Market alphabetical order still not fixed

Good day everyone, well basically I just wanted to adress (again) this issue that has been there since release. Basically for those who play in English and don't know about the problem, the market filter for animals is ordered in the English alphabetical order for all languages (basically they all start with aardvark). This may not seem like a big problem, but it is, because it's incredibly annoying to look for the animal you want to filter because of the order (basically you either check the whole list or memorize the list in English). This issue has been reported several times but seems to be overlooked. Please Frontier, fix this problem asap, localisation problems should be fixed easily!

By the way as usual I would like to ask you to revise the Spanish names of Pronghorn, Springbok, Gemsbok and Mexican Redknee Tarantula. Have a nice day!
That is not the only issue report I've seen, people that play in German, Polish and French for the least have also reported this to no use. Also yeah the exhibit market has the same issue.
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