Material storage on fleet carriers

So seeing as player material trading isn't going to be a thing, nor is carrier based material traders. How about allowing materials to be stored on your carrier and transfered back and forth your ship in much the same way as cargo?

This would allow more productivity from material gathering trips while still limiting the CMDR to the alloted material limits during combat or other activities.
For me would be ok it there was the possibility to sell/buy/share materials. So CMDRs who want only fight can focus on their thing and traders can focus on their thing by gathering and selling that kind of stuff.

Eventually, this feature could be restricted only for squadrons not for profit but only for cooperation. In a squadron, some CMDRs can be assigned for the collection task and other for Fighting. So the synthesis during Thargoid combat (or CZ scenarios) will not be a pain anymore.
more micro management? No thx

(should we loose mats stored in our ships? What about players without a fc?

You won't lose the ones stored in your ship. You could eventually choose to donate/sell the quantity you wish to the FC.

I like the idea to donate/share materials for a common goal (community event?) to help other CMDRs do their thing like for example Thargoid combat. In some scenarios, in which CMDRs are fighting multiple Thargoids ships, they need a lot of materials to perform synthesis to restock ammo or heatsink.

It would be nice to have a mechanism to collaborate avoiding the grinding activities for commanders who are focusing on some other aspect of the game
It would be nice to have a mechanism to collaborate avoiding the grinding activities for commanders who are focusing on some other aspect of the game

Down trading works really well. And AX is a niche. Only few cmdr have the patience to solo hydra's.

Materials are not stored in your ship, they are stored in your magical pocket. What you want is a bigger space suit.

Who says materials are stored in ships NOW? They are stored in your ship when you can transfer them from fc to ship.
How much mats do you people need? o_O
While I hate the magical massless material mess (like that?), I can see the appeal of having more storage for lower tier mats. I can easily top off on things like carbon, iron, nickle, etc while laser mining. My solution is go to a trader and buy a G4 or G5 mat or two with this surplus. Unfortunately this isn't an option outside of the Bubble in deep space. So a counter-proposal I would have to the OP's request is to give us a material trader on our fleet carrier. After all, G5 mats can be considered as extra extra storage for G1 mats, and I've yet come close to topping off my G5s.
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