My List of ->realistic<- wishes for the game till the end of the year

There is always a lot of talk about new big features like 'space legs' and 'atmospheric landing', so I started a list of features of my own containing stuff I would like to see and hopefully (!) are realistic to implement until the end of the year.
Most of these are QoL things and quite a few have been wished for several times, but here they are combined into one list.

I put this into Dangerous Discussions, because here is much more traffic, I also wanted to know what the rest of you thinks and if you have additional ideas. The plan is to stop by every now and then and add suggestions from the comments (or my own, if I can think of more), or delete some, if the majority thinks it's not needed.

So, here is my list so far (in random order):

  1. Remote ship transfer:
    Being at Station A, I want to transport my other ship at station B to station C. Especially when engineering a fighter ship with low fsd range, this feature would be sooooo useful and could save so much time!
  2. Combat Log fix:
    Now this is a bit of a biggy and the community is quite divided about combat logging. BUT: there is imho a underlying problem, which is "why are people combat logging in the first place". This, for me is the bigger issue (I won't go into it) and will need more discussion and engagement from developer and community. However, I think the actual act of combat logging is a cheat and needs to be fixed. How they do it (longer timer, letting the ship of the clogger in the instance for a while,..) I don't know, but clogging shouldn't be possible.
  3. Ingame Wiki /Documentation:
    Without Inara, I couldn't engineer at all. There should be an ingame wiki/documentation for all blueprints/mats/modules/ships... with detailed information, where to find stuff, what it is good for and so on.
  4. Chat Improvement:
    How often is it, that you want to tell newbies something (make them aware, that they are wanted or something) and they are not able to respond? I myself had my share of problems with the chat in the beginning. Next problem, is that you can only chat with friends, or people in the same instance. But, for example, after a PVP-fight, I would like to talk to my opponent (GG, or ask about their build, etc.). These things should be more accessible and easy.
  5. Launch Abort:
    Yep, you wanted to go into the starport menu and pressed launch instead. Either wait for launch, fly outside, request docking and dock again...or kill the game and login again. Both stupid solutions, we need a button to abort the launch!
  6. Menu Loading and Animation abort:
    While on the subject of aborting: How about not having to wait for the server if you accidentally went into the mission board? Give us the option to abort that too, please. Same goes with all animations within the outfitting menu. Seeing the weapons deploy is cool the first time, after that it's just time you wait.
  7. Route planning with 'via' functionality
    Every current naviation system today has this build in, so why not technology in 1000 years? I want to visit star A but want to go the star B (or several other stars) first. This would be especially useful for explorers, who decide to make a short detour, because they find a small nebular nearby for example. Also for engineering, or trading, passenger missions, where you want to go to several destinations in specific order.
  8. Search function with auto complete and suggestions in Galaxy Map
    I have written 'shinrarta dezhra' wrong so many times, I would be soo happy with an auto complete function, or an suggestion function with similar names.
  9. Search function within market screen
    Pretty much self explanatory. Makes trading or generally searching commodities less annoying. This could be extended to pretty much any menu, like outfitting or even statistics.
  10. Passenger Mission destination order
    Bought a Beluga - wants to make more money with bigger ship - fills it up with passengers - ends up flying back in forth within the bubble because we can't decide the order of the passengers destination by ourself - can't make more money than you would make in an Dolphin or Orca, making the Beluga obsolete at the moment. I have to admit, I'm whining about this for the last year, but if you could fly to tourist destinations in whatever order you like, you could plan your route efficiently and use your time better. Also the Beluga would have a reason to exist.
  11. Clipping:
    The Beluga again: Now I know how to fly through the mail slot with that thing, but I got stuck a few times myself. Getting stuck is ok, but there should be a mechanism to get out of such a situation, as I'm pretty sure, being completely stuck is a bug and shouldn't happen. I know about the trick of deploying landing gear, or logging off - but again: not the best of solutions.

Added to List:
  1. Beeing able to sell all exploration data at once
    Some CMDRS like to divide their expl. data to several systems and stations, but if you are like me you sell them all to one and the same. A 'sell all' button would be quite nice to have for this (going along with only one notification of first explored messages)
  2. Option of cargo to stay with stored ship (suggested by WindWpn)
    If you are in a fully loaded Trader and want to jump into a fighter (for example to do a short assassination mission), you should be able to do so! At the moment the ship you change to has to have enough cargo capacity and all cargo is transfered automatically. The user should be able to choose the amount of cargo, he wants to transfer.
  3. 'Sell All' and 'Fill the hold' button for commodities (suggested by zz9pa)
    Want to sell your complete cargo hold full of commodities? Or fill up with one as much as you ship can take? There should be a button for it!
  4. Custom Planetary surface bookmarks (suggested by zz9pa)
    Found a nice place exploring? It would be possible to make a custom bookmark on planet surfaces to find the place again, right? Something along the line 'add bookmark at my position, or add bookmark at >>insert coordinates<<
  5. Button for relative mouse toggle (suggested by nabimejm and Modhar)
    A button to enable/disable “relative mouse” control setting.
    Using RM is necessary for FA-OFF on mouse+KB, but it makes control in supercruise and FA-ON modes “uncomfortable”.
  6. Button for turret control (suggested by Modhar)
    Talking about buttons: a button for turret mode cycling would be nice. To switch between “fire at will”, “target only” and “fixed” modes without right-panel menu.
  7. Sort Bookmarks into Folders (suggested by torbach)
    If you have many bookmarks, you might want to sort them according to different uses (landmarks, trading ports, good RES-sites, etc,). Maybe additionally beeing able to set each folder visible/invisible separately?
  8. Slider for star sizes - meaning the 'dots' in the galaxy map (suggested by torbach)
    Anyone else has sometimes problems selecting the right star? Maybe making them bigger would help a bit!
  9. Option to sort stored Modules by type, distance, class.. (suggested by vancenovells(reddit))
  10. Focus point of System map when opened (suggested by McSchwartz (reddit))
    Every time you open up the system map it resets the map's focus point. It should stay focused on where you last selected, or the closest body to you if you haven't selected anything.
  11. Option to sort available missions by destination. (suggested by McSchwartz (reddit))
  12. Additional Volume sliders (suggested by JeffGofB(reddit))
    For example, to be able to turn down the volume of the SRV itself, while turning up its scanner to better be able to search for mats.
  13. Keybind for Docking Request (suggested by nickjowen(reddit))
  14. Improvements of the Contacts Panel(suggested by PapaUniformFoxtrot(reddit)
    When you in a H-Res or Conflict Zone Materials and other Ships are all in one Contact Panel. Because in such a site, ships are constantly leaving or coming into your scanner area, the whole list jumps around, making it nearly impossible to select a needed Material. Maybe we could have a separate Materials and Commodities Tab for that??
  15. Combine Filters on Galaxy Map(suggested by PapaUniformFoxtrot(reddit)
    I'm looking for a federal high-security system in boom state with high population - EDDB can do it, why not the galaxy map??
  16. Custom Colors for Galaxy Map Filters (suggested by PapaUniformFoxtrot(reddit))
  17. Make the docking computer a build in feature(suggested by karroq(reddit))
    This would make sense, since the build in auto pilot can already land on planet surface. Should be standard in 3304s technology, right?
  18. Add more fire groups than just the two we got. (suggested by torbach)
    Many Joysticks and Hotas have several buttons one could use as additional fire group, so why not give the user more?
  19. Optional Internal that split into 2 (or more) sub-internals with half the size.
    With many ships there is the problem that you have to fit a small size internal into a bay, that is just too big, missing out on all the precious cargo. With such an option, we would have much more flexibility to build our ships according to our needs.
  20. Better handling and more option for NPC crew + ending of NPC crew permadeath
    Forgetting to assign crew members to your ship, having to fly back, Permadeath of NPC crew, XP-Splitting,... All of these things should get a bit of love from the devs to make NPC crews bettter.
  21. Auto ignore materials I don't have room for and edit ignore list for both materials and mining without first finding the thing you now want to collect again (suggested by thunktone)
  22. Set decals on ships and holo-me to "current combat rank" etc. and have it auto update. (suggested by thunktone)
  23. Save and apply livery settings between ships
    This can be expanded to options like, apply to all ships of the same type (stored on the station), or auto-apply settings to newly bought ships and so on.
  24. A dashboard indicator for lights. I currently feel a bit foolish flicking them on and off to hear the sound. (suggested by thunktone)
    Man, this is a nice one! I never know if my lights are turned on or not :-D
  25. Add Galaxy Map Filter for Reputation (suggested by mamsa )
    This could cool if you want to find a System where you spend a lot of time doing missions, or find a place where your reputation is higher therefore giving you higher paying mission, or just give you an indication where you need to improve your rep.

Removed from List
  1. Instancing: (Since it doesn't seem realistic in a foreseeable timeframe)
    Instancing is bogus currently, especially in CG, or heavily populated systems. Who hasn't fought another CMDR, he flees into SC, you want to chase after him, but...waiting for 20 seconds in the loading animation :-( And I have got a very fast Internet connection.
    The problem is of course, this has to do with server costs and stuff, so again, not sure if we can expect improvements here. But yeah, faster instancing with more CMDRS possible in the same instance would be awesome.
So, that's it for now. Anyone else got something? Or do you think I should remove some points?
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I like all those. I'd add the one about text entry of lat/long to define a point on a planet surface, I'd like Ram Tah to offer greater variety of missions to specific Guardian sites (those are great game assets and there's hardly any reason to visit most of them), and I'd like a new ship which isn't combat-focussed. I guess that the instancing and clogging ones are really too hard to sort out at the ">realistic<" level though.
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So, here is my list so far:
  1. Combat Log fix:
    Now this is a bit of a biggy and the community is quite divided about combat logging. BUT: there is imho a underlying problem, which is "why are people combat logging in the first place". This, for me is the bigger issue (I won't go into it) and will need more discussion and engagement from developer and community. However, I think the actual act of combat logging is a cheat and needs to be fixed. How they do it (longer timer, letting the ship of the clogger in the instance for a while,..) I don't know, but clogging shouldn't be possible.
  2. Route planning with 'via' functionality
    Every current naviation system today has this build in, so why not technology in 1000 years? I want to visit star A but want to go the star B (or several other stars) first. This would be especially useful for explorers, who decide to make a short detour, because they find a small nebular nearby for example. Also for engineering, or trading, passenger missions, where you want to go to several destinations in specific order.
  3. Instancing:
    Left this for last, I'm not entirely sure if it belongs into this list of 'realistic expectations'. Instancing is the bogus, especially in CG, or heavily populated systems. Who hasn't fought another CMDR, he flees into SC, you want to chase after him, but...waiting for 20 seconds in the loading animation :-( And I have got a very fast Internet connection.
    The problem is of course, this has to do with server costs and stuff, so again, not sure if we can expect improvements here. But yeah, faster instancing with more CMDRS possible in the same instance would be awesome.

    So, that's it for now. Anyone else got something? Or do you think I should remove some points?

I agree with most of them, quite nice QoL features, though I wouldn't bet my money if half of them would be implemented this year.

These 3 above I think are a bit too ambitious for this year, though the Route planning would be nice *if* done smart and properly. The Galaxy map menu already has so many options and filters that I feel this would be a feature for minority of explorers, as it's easily avoidable by planning 2 routes.

Instancing and CL I think are related and I imagine quite hard to solve due to how currently the networking works, so I really really doubt that they will allocate man power for them. Maybe 2019.
Good news is that they are looking for a Network guy, so that is very promising.

If they fix them this year I would buy few cosmetics from the shop in a heartbeat just for a job well done.
  1. Remote ship transfer:
    While I see it's convenient, I somehow like the choices the current system makes us do
  2. Combat Log fix:
    Difficult, menu log could imho take longer time, real clogging is dependent on the game's infrastructure and you won't prevent people from cutting their wlan cord :D
  3. Ingame Wiki /Documentation:
    Yes please
  4. Chat Improvement:
    Yes please
  5. Launch Abort:
    Oh god yes, I never realized how much I need this!
  6. Menu Loading and Animation abort:
    Propably not possible, but it would be nice. It's way down on my priorities though
  7. Route planning with 'via' functionality
    Certainly convenient
  8. Search function with auto complete and suggestions in Galaxy Map
    Yes please
  9. Search function within market screen
    Yes please
  10. Passenger Mission destination order
  11. Clipping:
    Yes, Cutter has that problem too, sometimes on the pad too
  12. Instancing:
    Yes why not

  1. Difficult, menu log could imho take longer time, real clogging is dependent on the game's infrastructure and you won't prevent people from cutting their wlan cord :D

  1. Well, as I wrote, they could leave the ship in the instance for a few seconds :p.
    But again, HOW is the developers job, I just think it should be fixed ;)
Clogging "Fix" isn't realistic.

It's Peer to Peer. There's no way to "Hold other ship in the instance"

The most realistic "fix" is the karma system Sandro has talked about which is an out of character system, which logs various events over time, and sees if you do something a lot, to build up a list of trends.

If someone loses connection near death/mid fight a lot, it will eventually catch up with them.
how about inventory mgmt where if you switch ships, the ship u vacate maintains its cargo, passenger inventory.

Uhh, this is a good one. So you mean, if I switch for example from a trader with cargo into a fighter, the commodities loaded at the trader will stay with that ship, right? Added!
Very sensible list. I had my own but as i haven't played for last four months, I have to remind myself.

I certainly look forward to hinted improved signal sources system. Also main features as mining, exploration certainly will bring tons of small fixes and improvements.

I am definitely want / need in-game info system. I don't need everything spelled out, but some sort of very condensed info book / source would go a long way and help lot of players.

There's tons of other small improvements - like auto scanning of signal sources when close by, etc. - which I have mentioned in suggestions forum.
Sell All button for commodities
Fill the hold button for commodities
Faster limpet +/-
Planetary bookmarks or - at least should be able to enter some lat/long and place a big 'x' to fly to)
ditto, it's a down to earth sensible list.

Anything relating to game tech and infrastructure is fanciful at best. Combat logging for example, it's a byproduct of P2P not an actual issue in it's own right.

sensible list though.

How would that work? (Sorry, playing with HOTAS)
A button to enable/disable “relative mouse” control setting.
Using RM is necessary for FA-OFF on mouse+KB, but it makes control in supercruise and FA-ON modes “uncomfortable”.

Talking about buttons: a button for turret mode cycling would be nice. To switch between “fire at will”, “target only” and “fixed” modes without right-panel menu.
Same as for headlights, cargo hatch, FA-OFF/ON and other right-panel functions, which already have bindable buttons.

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A button to enable/disable “relative mouse” control setting.
Using RM is necessary for FA-OFF on mouse+KB, but it makes control in supercruise and FA-ON modes “uncomfortable”.

[FONT="]Talking about buttons: a button for turret mode cycling would be nice. To switch between “fire at will”, “target only” and “fixed” modes without right-panel menu.[/FONT]

Sounds good, will add it!
Sounds like a good list to me :)
As you say combat logging is probably a longer term fix so I wouldn't really expect to see that really. We could always discuss it more though, sure :)
I doubt we would get store ship with cargo - that is getting a bit too close to having station side storage and FD have been super reluctant to allow that. Makes sense, I agree, but I really don't expect to see it. A thought, if they did do this (especially with remote transfer) they'd probably have to block ship transfer with cargo on board or make that extra super expensive - otherwise you basically have a whole remote cargo transfer game going on :D

For me, more data access and interlinking on everything - that is broadly covered by your wiki idea though. Some more direct UI integration though, like station details immediately available from the nav panel (a first pass would even be dumping you in to the system map with the station panel pre-selected and the details pane up).
[*]Remote ship transfer:
Being at Station A, I want to transport my other ship at station B to station C. Especially when engineering a fighter ship with low fsd range, this feature would be sooooo useful and could save so much time!

On this particular point, I feel like they could really add some more usefulness to the hired crew pilots and incentive to level them up. Make it so you can order one of them to take a stored ship from A to B, and while they do the journey set the pilot to 'unavailable' or 'in transit' in crew lounge. Also instead of paying credits to the station(?) you just pay your crew pilot their wage to do it.

To add more incentive for players to level up a crew pilot maybe their rank could influence the time they take, more experienced crew should be faster. And/Or maybe have minimum crew rank required to have them pilot and transfer medium/large type ships, like Competent for medium, Dangerous for large or something.

But... if they do this, they first need to allow crew use escape pods and optionally reinstate them at the rebuy screen, or a way to find/revive them after a rebuy. And while they're at it, I would really appreciate inactive crew in lounge to not take full % commission. This only ensures people do not rank up and keep hired crew pilots.

Search function with auto complete and suggestions in Galaxy Map
I have written 'shinrarta dezhra' wrong so many times, I would be soo happy with an auto complete function, or an suggestion function with similar names.
There kinda is auto-complete already though, if you type SHINR and hit enter it will go to Shinrarta. Also you could just type FOUNDER (or even just FOUN) for founders world and it will target Shinrarta as well. If there are multiple systems starting with those letters, clicking the > arrow next to the search field will have it target the next one. But really outside of the bubble auto-complete becomes kind of useless, if you mean to get a kind of dropdown-list with suggestions... Just try it with "hypaa blai" on EDDB, that's not very useful.
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bookmark folders for better organization
bookmarking coordinates on planet - agree
remote transfer ships to any location - agree
mission board - (mode flipping needs to be fixed) - possibly a 'refresh' button with added filters to narrow down what players are interested in.
job board - spin off mission board; Player configures a panel to indicate their interests and 'mission critical message' procs offer things the player was hunting for.
'ship too large' restriction removed - instead tint the mission red (and transaction panel) as the warning, same with the little 'mission globe' icon
cargo juggling - temporary storage so you can swap ships; you will be required to have enough space before you get launch clearance
SRV could use engineering flavor; upgrades one of the following -- traction, top speed, defenses, offenses, scooping size, or distributor
Filters for 'contacts' panel
Galaxy map - systems "dot" (size slider)
On this particular point, I feel like they could really add some more usefulness to the hired crew pilots and incentive to level them up. Make it so you can order one of them to take a stored ship from A to B, and while they do the journey set the pilot to 'unavailable' or 'in transit' in crew lounge. Also instead of paying credits to the station(?) you just pay your crew pilot their wage to do it.

To add more incentive for players to level up a crew pilot maybe their rank could influence the time they take, more experienced crew should be faster. And/Or maybe have minimum crew rank required to have them pilot and transfer medium/large type ships, like Competent for medium, Dangerous for large or something.

Yes, there is plenty of room for improvements, but I think simple remote transfer is more realistic in a foreseeable timeframe.

There kinda is auto-complete already though, if you type SHINR and hit enter it will go to Shinrarta. Also you could just type FOUNDER (or even just FOUN) for founders world and it will target Shinrarta as well. If there are multiple systems starting with those letters, clicking the > arrow next to the search field will have it target the next one. But really outside of the bubble auto-complete becomes kind of useless, if you mean to get a kind of dropdown-list with suggestions... Just try it with "hypaa blai" on EDDB, that's not very useful.

I do know about that, but I thought more of something like autocomplete as it is in google searches. Also something like a result list, with similar systems, if you wrote a name wrong.
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