My opinion about VR (DK2)..meh!

There's two kinds of people in life.

Those who look for flaws and those who enjoy what they have.

HMD's today are akin to Model T Fords in 1908. First generation tech, they will get better with time.

When I put on my Vive, I don't see the flaws. I spend hours zipping along in an SRV on a low gravity ice moon with a smile.
LMAO - Curved monitors.... they saw you coming!

Personally speaking, I'd just save the money rather than waste it on a gimmick like that or buy a high end HOTAS, some good rudder pedals (not Saiteks) or even a bass shaker setup. They would add much more immersion to your Elite Dangerous experience than a curved display. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

I already have all that, all saitek f, not high end, i know , but everything works perfect for me, i have even a track IR...., when i played ED before VR, i use it with a monitor attached to a mechanical arm , so i move it really close to me to have more inmersion in the game.

The oculus was the last step for me...shame on you oculus :p!!!

There's two kinds of people in life.

Those who look for flaws and those who enjoy what they have.

HMD's today are akin to Model T Fords in 1908. First generation tech, they will get better with time.

When I put on my Vive, I don't see the flaws. I spend hours zipping along in an SRV on a low gravity ice moon with a smile.

That depends of the point of view, in my case i was trying to enjoy it but felt so umcomfortable that couldn't do it

Anyways after the hype , expectation and first try.. i'm giving me a week to calm down, try it agan after a couple of days and do normal gaming, probably with the release of Horizons' new expansion i can focus in doing real stuff in the game and not just testing the device.
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Thanks for your Review.

It is Important to have all these different viewpoints so every VR interested can make his own, more balanced, opinion.

for me the god rays are a nonissue most of the time.
do I see them - of course I do but positioning the rift carefully lessens them.
being in ED I'm piloting a spaceship so I have something better to do than looking for god rays ;)
God rays only bother me in credits ore title scenes where they can be extreme like white text on black screen.

for me it's the resolution I find the most limiting factor in ED.
ED being a game where distant objects play a role, as well as all the beauty in those stations, I'm missing a higher resolution the most.

overall VR is an amazing thing which only can get better :)
Surprised you didn't try your friends Vive when he lent you his DK2. It would have saved you a lot of angst as the resolution is the same as CV1. Too bad ED is your only motivation for VR and Fdev's still working on VR having had retail product for such a short period of time. As has been said here it will get better. The complaint about the CV1 headphones not being as good as your Logitechs is a little weak as there is nothing to stop you from using yours. Also complaining about the Xbox controller seems like you are looking for as many ways to justify not jumping on the bandwagon so people here won't jump all over your opinion. Hey some are gonna anyway.
Your not alone in not being happy with Godrays but you are in a minority as far as being willing to over look and adapt. You are very much in the minority when it comes to a lot of other games being played in first retail generation VR. Too bad it didn't work out for you. Perhaps you'll come back around when some of the bugs get worked out. Glad you liked the box
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