Newcomer / Intro My Return to ED ......

As I have said elsewhere, I have a severe problem with my memory. My absence from ED doesn't appear to be as long as the couple of years I predicted. Reading my threads and post here at the forum, I was here as late a mid-December 2020. Just 9 months ago! 😲 Disappointing. ☹️ My memory is worse than I thought. However ......... so be it. I'll need to read the threads and posts I contributed to previously here a the forum. By doing so, I should gain quite a bit of knowledge. Word of advice: don't grow old ...... 🤭
As I have said elsewhere, I have a severe problem with my memory. My absence from ED doesn't appear to be as long as the couple of years I predicted. Reading my threads and post here at the forum, I was here as late a mid-December 2020. Just 9 months ago! 😲 Disappointing. ☹️ My memory is worse than I thought. However ......... so be it. I'll need to read the threads and posts I contributed to previously here a the forum. By doing so, I should gain quite a bit of knowledge. Word of advice: don't grow old ...... 🤭
Welcome back. I wondered where you went.
I sometimes have memory recall issues too, due to Huntington's disease.
Luckily I haven't quite lost all my marbles yet.
You gotta laugh else you just dwell on it. 🙂
Welcome back. I wondered where you went.
I sometimes have memory recall issues too, due to Huntington's disease.
Luckily I haven't quite lost all my marbles yet.
You gotta laugh else you just dwell on it. 🙂
I had to look that up as to what that was .......
Good on ya mate! Not nice, but hang in there!
It's good to share it here. Just a simple " (y) " from others I find a huge help ....... you're not alone ...... even in COVID times.
"You gotta laugh else you just dwell on it." And how good is that!!! (y)
I had to look that up as to what that was .......
Good on ya mate! Not nice, but hang in there!
It's good to share it here. Just a simple " (y) " from others I find a huge help ....... you're not alone ...... even in COVID times.
"You gotta laugh else you just dwell on it." And how good is that!!! (y)
Well at least I managed to get my name immortalized* on the Elite Dangerous memorial beacons.

* at least until Frontier decide that the game is way too old and turn the servers off lol.
Thanks for all the responses and advice, however I see nothing to encourage me to proceed (with tutorials) as it all seems hard work and full of disappointments. Fuel scooping for instance. Likewise launching and returning to a station through that ridiculous rectangular slot. And there's no traffic control which means you are likely to meet another ship coming the other way! You'd think they'd at least have two slots: one for entry; one for exit. And as for combat with K'board and Mouse, forget it. Those drones can turn around on a dyne! I use to fly a simulated F-16 and an F-22 on a PC and had a HOTAS just to land and take-off, let alone when going into combat.
WOW! Did I write this back in Nov 2019? 😮 Yes I did ......... 😖 I can't believe I felt that way, particularly the way I feel now in Sept 2021 ...... 🙂

WOW! Did I write this back in Nov 2019? 😮 Yes I did ......... 😖 I can't believe I felt that way, particularly the way I feel now in Sept 2021 ...... 🙂
This game is like that. The initial learning curve is so steep. I've even seen posts saying that docking at a rotating station is "humanly impossible."

It IS daunting at first. gets better the longer you play.

I'm not exactly young myself (70) but this is my favorite game of all time. Despite its flaws and foibles, nothing has held my interest for such a long time (4000 hours and counting).

Just keep plugging away at it. It'll come, bit by bit. And each success will feel sooo good. :)
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