This post is essentially a culmination of some experiments I have been doing. At first it started out as a question on the fleetcomm squad chat. What happens when you neutron jump at 1%? Somewhere along the way it balooned into many experiments with people asking various things for me to test. Here are the results that I've found (plus some pictures for fun.)

  • When supercharging from a neutron the 1% damage is always applied regardless of current health (basically supercharging will always do 1% damage to the FSD).

  • When supercharging with only 1% FSD integrity remaining. Once the FSD is charged the integrity will drop to 0% at which point the FSD will be shut down and you will be stuck inside the cone. (there are a few caveats to this however which I will number below.)
Supercharging at 1% FSD health, once the charge was complete the FSD dropped to 0% and I was thrown out of supercruise and into the jet cone.
Getting out just in time...

1. Module Health
Module health is not an absolute number it is in fact an integer. For example if the health bar is showing 0% yet you are not dead that is because your actual health is somewhere between 0.01% and 0.99% once you reach 0.00% however the module will be rendered inoperable (it will turn off). It's likely a programming choice in order to make health simpler to read as well as to keep it within the limits of the User Interface (HUD).
Module still active (and working) at 0% health
2. Cone DoT
Staying within the cone will apply a DoT (Damage-over-Time). I tested this for a minute and found that on top of the 1% applied by the neutron boost, an additional 3% was lost (FSD health was originally 99% after jump it became 95%.) It should be noted I took no damage and was simply boosting in the cone in supercruise (I did not drop out of supercruise into the cone during this test).

3. Module Damage Update
Seemingly the damage from a neutron boost and the DoT is only applied AFTER a jump has completed. However this was not consistent throughout all experiments. It is highly likely that although the damage is not showing under modules it is in fact being applied. A jump is simply forcing the client to re-check the current health of all modules (this is likely a netcode issue). It does however mean that these numbers should not be taken to heart. It is very likely some of them were incorrect when being checked on the right panel.

4. FSD Damage method
In order to skip the needed 100 neutron boosts it should also be noted that I stayed outside a station and charged my FSD along with silent running in order to cause module damage quickly. I purposely left the FSD at 3% in order to confirm that there was no softcap under <10% FSD damage. The damage continued to be a fixed 1% (as stated in the first bullet point.) All other modules were repaired and the hull was also fully repaired at a station.

  • I additionally tested the 0% FSD dropout theory on my FDL as well as my Anaconda. Both FSDs failed after supercharging at 1% FSD health within the cone.

  • One thing that was interesting is the difference in time waiting for my Anaconda's FSD to reach 3% health, in comparison to waiting for my FDL's FSD to hit 3%. The Anaconda took around ~5 minutes (@300% heat) to reach 3% whereas the FDL's FSD only took ~2-3 mins (@180% heat). This is likely due to the overall module health difference in both ships. It is possible that armoured power plants may actually be beneficial against heat damage in comparison to overcharge/low emissions power plants when exploring. This however is an observation and needs further testing.

  • FSD synthesis neither stack nor override a neutron boost. I have not tested white dwarfs but I imagine only a premium synth would override it. The rule of thumb being only a boost of a higher percentage will be applied.
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Nice write-up! Although, other than doing it deliberately, I have to wonder: what manner of freakish scenario would leave one with less than 10% FSD health? :p
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When supercharging from a neutron the 1% damage is always applied regardless of current health (basically supercharging will always do 1% damage to the FSD).
Nice experiment.

However, sometimes supercharging damages FSD less than 1% and the health number displayed in-game does not change. I have an impression that it happens the more often the smaller and weaker star is used.
ah yes the part of the experiment which is most interesting though is what happens to FSD failures between 3% and ~70% in times gone by if your FSD was below 70% it could drop you out from super-cruise thus leaving you inside the cone.

i have not tested this since neutrons were put in the game (as a boost) if the only chance of throwing you in the cone is if you supercharge with 1% FSD health well... thats just the least dangerous and practically pointless damage formula i know

of course a FSD malfunction is different to FSD failure, if failures only happen at less than 1% we may aswell delete the damage entirely, i mean why bother fixing it? FSD malfunctions just delay the jump, no big deal just annoying.
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