Release New elite dangerous discord bot, and comes with a ton more features!

GARD BOT, is designed to help discord server owners manage their Elite Dangerous Server. This is not an easy task and often there are a variety of bots that perform different tasks. The issue is the more bots you add the more complex everything gets. You need to think about multiple prefixes for each bot, etc. I've taken all the important commands (and more) and have put it in one bot. I also added a few new and fun functions. all info
Most commands related to Elite Dangerous, more down below under different titles.
Prefix for all commands.
At the start of all the commands, so the bot understands you are asking it to do something you will need to stick > at the front.
system [system name]
Shows details on any system in the galaxy.
distance/[system 1]/[system 2]
Calculates the distance between systems in the galaxy, 100% accurate.
refuel [system name]
This will find the nearest systems to refuel at. If there are no results that means the location you choose doesn't have any large landing pads nearby.
findsquadron [squadron name]
Find any squadron and their info. They need to be registered to INARA.
findcommodity [commodity name]
Finds any commodity within Elite Dangerous and gives statistics on it. [CAPITAL SENSITIVE]

Nice menu with all the ships in elite dangerous
get [g5 manufacture name]
For those who engineer.

Shows nearby systems to bolg to check out.

Supported g5 materials.
  • Pharmaceutical Isolators... Independent systems in Outbreak
  • Military Grade Alloys... Independent systems in War
  • Civil War Military Supercapacitors... Independent systems in War
  • Civil War Proto Heat Radiators... Independent systems in Boom
  • Proto Radiolic Alloys... Independent systems in Boom
  • Improvised Components... Independent systems in Civil Unrest
  • Imperial Shielding... Imperial systems in state None
  • Core Dynamics composites... Federation systems in None

[currently this is a GARD DISCORD feature only] Want this in your own discord? contact Swiiiifty#0001 on discord.

Commands that may need administrator access, or are just general stuff to help within discord.
clear [messages deleted]
Often known as the PURGE command. This allows you to clear multiple lines of chat very quickly. Be careful what you do can have massive damage and can't be undone. This is why it is an Administrator Only command.
mute [@user] [time in minutes] [reason]
Mutes user for a length of time. Will send them a private message saying how long and why. May require additional setup, for more advanced version. Administrator Only command.
unmute [@user]
Incase you had a typo or was testing something, you can unmute people. Administrator Only Command.

Setup Wizard for creating embedded fancy messages. Makes the discord look a lot better. Once again administrator only command. Because you can send a message to any server using this.
poll [message]
Really simple yes/no answer poll for anytime you can't be bothered using Emojis.

Finds the last reaction and all the users who clicked the reaction for that message.
msgmove (messageID) (#channel-name)
Moves any message anywhere. Administrator command

BGS Statistics and Tracking.
The purpose of these commands is to help with finding how much everyone is doing and how each day before or after tick they are doing. What's cool is that this works hand in hand with the Profile system(more info on this later). Each entry will give a valid amount of credits to the profile of the user who helped contribute to the war. It's also good fun because people get to find out how we are each doing in the chat.

Help for all BGS commands.
bgs results [type for example "explo"] [war name]
Gives live statistics on how everyone is doing for that faction.
BT = Before Tick
AT = After Tick
bgs add [type] [value] [war name]
It will add your value to the database, If successful it should tell you have added your amount. Here are some examples to make adding values easier.

Types of entries
- Bonds
Combat Bonds
- Explo
Exploration Data
- Bounty
Bounty Vouchers
- Profit
Trading Profit

bgs add bonds 1.1M g89
bgs add explo 300k g89
bgs add bounty 500000 g89


Shows all the wars your Discord is currently fighting.
bgs reset [war name]
Archives and removes all the BGS work that week.
bgs systemadd (system name)
capital sensitive/no spaces.
This adds a system to add your BGS progress to.
Adminstrator Command
bgs stats [system name]
Gets info on the BGS in any system. Gives info such as factions, influence per faction. Government, Active states.

Find the last time the servers had a tick change.


This is one of the best features from the bot. Every user can have a profile with their statistics on how they are doing in the discord, they can be credited credits and allowed to buy themes, commands and more. Here are some of the awesome commands you can play around with (currently this is in beta so the bot owner needs to manually activate this.)

A help menu full of all the commands a profile can have.
profile [user]
Shows your profile or if said specifically any user's profile.

Starts the setup wizard to customize your profile. It will guide you through all the questions.
giftcredits [@user] [amount]
Gift anyone your credits in your server!
givecredits [@user] [amount]
Adds credits to the players account, this does not take credits from you. Administrator Command

Can change your background of your profile. Cost 100 credits per change.

This was inspired by the fact that in my squadrons discord there are many users who constantly ask for Ashenfox's builds (cause he's very good at them) So I thought how about we create a system where everyone can add in their builds. People can vote on there favourite builds, or to show appreciation to the build. People can find the best builds to fit their needs.

Starts a wizard to get your build in the database.

It will ask for a few things.
Coriolis link
Build name (just a fun name)
Ship name (your ship)
Category (pvp,pve etc)

Starts a wizard to find the best builds, can sort by Top or by New, use only 1 search word to find your build.

You can sort by:
Build ID
Build name
Ship name
User ID
a few others i cant remember...
build delete [BUILD ID]
Permission based command, will require you to own the build. This is permanent, and can't be recovered.

Help screen for build commands.
build like [BUILD ID]
Please do this command if you appreciated the build. This will help people to compete for the best builds, so you can enjoy the finest builds.

Only 1 like per person.

Adder: ADD
Alliance Challenger: Chally
Alliance Chieftain: Chief
Alliance Crusader: Crusader
Anaconda: Annie
Asp Explorer: AspX
Asp Scout: AspS
Beluga Liner: Beluga
Cobra Mk. III: Cobra3
Cobra Mk.IV: Cobra4
Diamondback Explorer: DiamondX
Diamondback Scout: DiamondS
Eagle Mk. II: Eagle
Federal Assault Ship: FAS
Federal Corvette: Corvette
Federal Dropship: FDS
Federal Gunship: FGS
Fer-de-lance: FDL
Hauler: Hauler
Imperial Clipper: Clipper
Imperial Courier: Courier
Imperial Cutter: Cutter
Imperial Eagle: IMPEagle
Keelback: Keelback
Krait Mk. 2: Krait
Krait Phantom: Phantom
Mamba: Mamba
Orca: Orca
Python: Python
Sidewinder: Sidey
Type-10 Defender: Type10
Type-6 Transporter: Type6
Type-9 Heavy: Type9
Viper Mk. III: Viper3
Viper Mk. IV: Viper4
Vulture: Vulture
Dolphin: Dolphin
Type-7 Transporter: Type7

Just random stuff tbh

Finest dadjokes in all the land. Creates random ones on request

Random memes from r/dankmemes

Random dog pictures.

Random cat pictures.

Finds the latency between the bot and discord. Just a developer command to check if the bot is running.
math [number 1] [symbol] [number 2]
e.g. >math 42 * 10.

roundsf(round to significant figures)
%(percentage of number)
increase%(increase by a percentage)
raiseexp(increase by exponent)
rootedroots(root by roots)
8ball [your question]
Gives answers to your question.

Type racer game requires atleast 2 people to play.

Fun game to get your memory functioning (especially effective early in the morning) requires atleast 2 people to play.
[your question]
Get your questions answered.

every day NASA provides a picture, whichis with a cool fact and a very cool picture. Would highly recommend you use this command.

Gets your avatar.
GetImage [/QUOTE] Get the image on discord this will automatically post the picture.
I've just been talking to Swiiiifty on his GARD Discord, and unfortunately he says a recent update to Discord has caused much of his GARD Bot to stop working properly.

Sadly, he also indicated he is discontinuing with GARD Bot, and is instead moving on to a different bot project, which unfortunately is not related to Elite Dangerous.

So, it looks like it is the end of the line for GARD Bot. :(
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