New FSS Feedback thread - Good and Bad

Overall I'm really liking the new system, when you enter a 'new system' it automatically starts generating landable planets and any features, making them instantly resolve with accurate features and locations. If you ignore the BUG for a moment - then it's a positive, just wish all Mats sat on one panel.

BUG* Patch Announced
Varying amount of SC stutter (Worse for VR players) caused by planet generation on entering a system, regardless of honk or FSS use, more bodies = more stutter.
After more testing I found that all landable bodies with features state 'REFINING SCAN....' until one by one they resolve.
My best guess is the stuttering is related to all the lanadable planets trying to resolve at once
Further update: If you want to test this you need to go to a system you have not been to before and you will experience it if there are Landable bodies. I thought that if I mapped the planet then it would remember. However this is not the case, the 'instant landable generation' happens every time you enter the system, even if you surface map everything.


Nailed it (I Hope) - Landables are the root cause - systems with bodies but no landables seem ok. However if there are landables / features (Bio Geo) then you get stutter.

UPDATE: Patch announced -

Materials still scroll on 2 - 3 panels } Thought this had been put on 1?

System map now shows locations and type in info panel } Yay!
FSS does show location types instantly below panels ] Yay!

Will add to this thread, finding some weird things but investigating. Screens to follow, please add any of your findings and will add here ..

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Huge unplayable SC stutter caused by planet generation on entering a system, regardless of honk or FSS use, more bodies = more stutter.
After more testing I found that all bodies with locations state 'resolving'..... until one by one they resolve.
My best guess it the stuttering is related to all the planets trying to resolve at once
Confirmed and verified (Sol is a great place to experience this). As someone who plays in VR, this is a deal-breaker for me.

BTW, planet rendering shouldn't cause the main thread to hang like this. Planet rendering should be on a background thread / process.
I didn't notice that much stutter, the resolution is sweet now and finally we can see stuff in the system map too.

Maybe moving the beginning of the body signal resolution after the honk or when FSS is open could make the issue less evident.
Got the same issue and it does seem to fade away after a bit, also opening the galmap drops the FPS for a few seconds too
I didn't notice that much stutter, the resolution is sweet now and finally we can see stuff in the system map too.

Maybe moving the beginning of the body signal resolution after the honk or when FSS is open could make the issue less evident.

What can you see in the system map, that you couldnt see before?
Further testing shows that once you have resolved a system and go back to it there is no stutter. If you want to test this you need to go to a system you have not been to before. I guess this bug effects explorers the most. Traders, pirates and PvP players should be ok.
Further testing shows that once you have resolved a system and go back to it there is no stutter. If you want to test this you need to go to a system you have not been to before. I guess this bug effects explorers the most. Traders, pirates and PvP players should be ok.
I've been to Sol lots of times, even last week, yet when I went today it stuttered like mad for a long time (I actually logged out before the stuttering ended).
Looks like a bug. I don't suppose all the locations should be resolved upon entering the system.

EDIT: Except, since they changed the way POI get resolved by comparing them to generated data and formulating a guess (as written in the patch notes), they may have decided to go this route on purpose, but underestimated the server work this would bring.
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Nailed it (I Hope) - Features are the root cause - systems with bodies but no features seem ok. However if there are features (Bio Geo) then you get stutter.
This feels like either the behaviour outlined in the patch notes was a dumped solution in favour of what's happening now, or what's happening now was a proposed solution which was dumped in favour of what's in the patch notes, but accidentally included instead ;)
Go back and wait till all bodies in system map show geo and bio - once done the stutter goes
But does this "keep" after logging out? If it remembers forever (like some form of caching), then that will make running missions in a specific sector of space more tolerable. However, this doesn't solve the problem for explorers who are always going to NEW systems...

This may not seem a "big deal", but in VR the effect is like being poked in the eyeball, over and over again!
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