New surface mining

After seeing the xeno scanner at work in combination to space legs, A thought came to mind. What if fdev created another variant of surface mining, giving you a hand held mining laser alone with the pulse wave. It could be similar to deep core but against boulders. This would also might have to come with a new mining srv with a refinery and cargo space and a mining suit. Even better, how about adding some other tools like the mining extractors you sometimes find that extracts an refines certain materials into units of mineral or metals. You can set these up after you find suitable deposits on the surface and it will extract until that surface deposit is depleted all while it spits out refined minerals, metals or materials for you to collect with the srv.
Makes sense in a way, especially as odyssey is supposed to allow players to make a living without even owning a ship. Mining, (together with trading) cannot be undertaken without owning a ship. You would of course need a better SRV to transport everything though.
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