No Odyssey coming to Console? Account transfer then.

I've spent the morning playing Odyssey on my PC. I'm trying to think of anything It does that is better that Horizons.(not counting on foot stuff) I can't think of a single thing. Everything you can do in Horizons is done better. I'm truly surprised.

I'll not bother transferring my account to a functionally worse play environment.
I jumped on pc Horizons expecting to start a new guy, To my surprise it kept my progress from Odyssey! (y) Now I want to play Horizons more! ;)
I jumped on pc Horizons expecting to start a new guy, To my surprise it kept my progress from Odyssey! (y) Now I want to play Horizons more! ;)
Yeah, it uses the exact same save, just doesn't enable the Odyssey features. It's actually a fix for people experiencing Odyssey bugs to relog to horizons so it'll move you out of the on-foot area you are having trouble with. Much as it was a fix in Horizons when say, clipped into a planet, to relog to the base game so it would put you back in space.
I've spent the morning playing Odyssey on my PC. I'm trying to think of anything It does that is better that Horizons.(not counting on foot stuff) I can't think of a single thing. Everything you can do in Horizons is done better. I'm truly surprised.

I'll not bother transferring my account to a functionally worse play environment.
I'm a bit confused. Horizons may be subjectively better than Odyssey, but Horizons on PC is objectively better than Horizons on console unless you have a true dud (or should I say spud) of a PC. Wouldn't you rather play on the better hardware, which is the true play environment?
I'm a bit confused. Horizons may be subjectively better than Odyssey, but Horizons on PC is objectively better than Horizons on console unless you have a true dud (or should I say spud) of a PC. Wouldn't you rather play on the better hardware, which is the true play environment?
Yes the base game is better on PC than PS5 (4K Ultra) but I'd still rather play on my PS5 anyway.
Yes the base game is better on PC than PS5 (4K Ultra) but I'd still rather play on my PS5 anyway.
If the reasons are what I think they are, then I can understand. I have a gaming laptop that I can (and usually do) play from the comfort of my La-Z-Boy recliner using my DS4 controller for most games. I also frequently hook up my laptop to my TV for that big-screen experience. And even then, there are still some games I continue to play on PS4 because I don't want to rebuy them and deal with the hassle of anti-cheat rootkits and the like.

Point being that I wouldn't want to spend hours gaming in an uncomfortable (relatively speaking) home office tied to a big desktop computer.
what I cant grasp is according the odd gal map small outpost stations have a frontline solutions facilities which I would beg to differ
its making this dog itch;)
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I feel you, Duck. I never really got the feel of being on the bridge of my Type 9 until the first time I played in my living room on the projector I picked up several years back, with the entire wall filled with the glass in front of me, sitting back in a big comfy chair.
precisely ☝️

It's a win-win for the players with absolutely no downsides...
A huge upside is that if I do not sell my PS4 FC, apply for and account transfer to get a PC Horizons a/c, then when (if) I do start playing on PC (probably on a Chromebook and Geforce Now in a year or 2), I can buy another FC and have a second duplicate fleet!!!! (ships and Cr do come across, eh?)
I will then actually have 2 FC's and 2 fleets of ships, until console servers are switched off!!

..................or should we keep this quiet?
A huge upside is that if I do not sell my PS4 FC, apply for and account transfer to get a PC Horizons a/c, then when (if) I do start playing on PC (probably on a Chromebook and Geforce Now in a year or 2), I can buy another FC and have a second duplicate fleet!!!! (ships and Cr do come across, eh?)
I will then actually have 2 FC's and 2 fleets of ships, until console servers are switched off!!

..................or should we keep this quiet?
they're well aware.
The real exploit - which they may also ignore - would be if one has other accounts, to transfer all credits from those accounts to the console account prior to transfer, then do the transfer and have those credits duplicated on the newly created PC account. Then transfer all the credits to all their rightful owners.

(i for one would refrain to do this, but never the less, my XB account has more than 30 billions that will be replicated to the PC - so overall i will be 30bn more rich)
Unfortunately I have become aware of a potential downside. Clearly in contradiction of the EULA so if it happens will likely result in bannings.
Something I'm keeping an eye on...
I'm pretty sure they've got more important things to worry about and won't care about this in the slightest. Based on their past performance it's going to be a mission for them just to get the transfers right, never mind tracking where credits were transferred.
I'm pretty sure they've got more important things to worry about and won't care about this in the slightest. Based on their past performance it's going to be a mission for them just to get the transfers right, never mind tracking where credits were transferred.
More the accounts themselves. Not something I want to get too involved in.
they're well aware.
The real exploit - which they may also ignore - would be if one has other accounts, to transfer all credits from those accounts to the console account prior to transfer, then do the transfer and have those credits duplicated on the newly created PC account. Then transfer all the credits to all their rightful owners.

(i for one would refrain to do this, but never the less, my XB account has more than 30 billions that will be replicated to the PC - so overall i will be 30bn more rich)
It's a drop in the ocean. A single player who had billions of credits doubling or quadrupling their credits is still barely a rounding error of 0.000000000000000000000000000000001% of the total galactic economy of the BGS. It's frankly just not worth the effort just to spite players who are already fed up with support for their platform being discontinued.
Now the link is up to transfer console to PC I'm trying to find Carrier Administration and a Fleet Carrier Vendor so I can off-load modules and decommission my carrier to get most of my credits back, do the transfer and then buy a Fleet Carrier again on both PS4 and PC.
I used to have search links to these on INARA but they no longer work. I also know KUO terminal at Skeggiko O supposed to have them but the galaxy map shows no Facilities at all which is obviously a bug.
Now the link is up to transfer console to PC I'm trying to find Carrier Administration and a Fleet Carrier Vendor so I can off-load modules and decommission my carrier to get most of my credits back, do the transfer and then buy a Fleet Carrier again on both PS4 and PC.
I used to have search links to these on INARA but they no longer work. I also know KUO terminal at Skeggiko O supposed to have them but the galaxy map shows no Facilities at all which is obviously a bug.


AgarthaEnoch Port
AlcorMacDonald Settlement
BalanteLaplace Ring
CD-47 990Jackson Ring
ColoniaJaques Station
EhlandaClark Port
KakmbutanMacGregor Orbital
Kruger 60Kepler Gateway
Lan TzakJacobi Platform
NamnetesJolliet Enterprise
PanoiGaran Hub
Skeggiko OKuo Terminal
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