Oculus Order Update 12th April

My email gives me a new shipping date of last week of May / first week of June.

At least it will arrive before LaveCon, so I won't have to cancel the VR shipyard (phew!).

But a two month push-back is poor. Waiving postage (£31) was the least they could do.
Moved from April to 2nd half of May. Not happy of course, but I've experienced worse.
Don't get the overblown outrage on the oculus forums.
Glad I kept my DK2. :cool:
I was an April "29" order (order made @ 4:29:29s) and have been pushed to 23 may / 2 June for me. Initial thought is disappointment but it's "only" a month delay so long as they stick to it.

I can't help but think oculus played the game well!. If they had told us from the get go about the delay people may have cancelled and got vive. Now however vive is just as backlogged.

Imo if oculus want to get back in good books they should offer 25% off all touch controllers with free P&P on em too ;)

My mate who still has his DK2 will loan me his for another weekend again, if he does at least i will be able to get it all set up ready for my CV1. Combine that with a week of the wait I will be in Vegas, so i will survive ;)

I am regretting selling my DK2 now, but then, with a new child its not like i have had much time to play.
Well I got April estimate and now I have 20-30 june. It's at best 2 months more wait. Some of the people had estimate in may and now they will be shipped (if we can belive Oculus about those new dates) earlier than me. This saddens me the most. They propably start to have different "equalities" for different regions.
on tghe bright side, a number of 18th - 30th April orders actually got billed and shipped emails today.... so who knows maybe these are conservative dates.

we can but hope
If people have a medical need for it then Oculus might be sympathetic and bump them up the queue - they should try emailing them with their condition. ;)

Yeah, just being tongue in cheek - it is unfortunate that there are delays, I won't say it's a good thing (of course) but just looking for a little perspective, you know?

Mine's getting delivered tomorrow so I admit that it's very easy for me to criticise but I honestly wouldn't have been bothered by a delay - there's plenty bigger things to worry about.

Not trying to be rude, but you have no relation to the frustration at hand. Oddly you make a statement about keeping perspective, where you have no perspective relative to those that are to wait an extra month now. While I'm sure you didn't intend it, hopefully you didn't, you kind of come off rude and arrogant given your slightly ostentatious remark at the end.

Yes, we all should keep perspective. My perspective is this is very disappointing. And I have every right to be. What this does allow is more time for me to contemplate whether or not I want to make this purchase, of which, I'm moving closer to not. But, only time will tell.
Not trying to be rude, but you have no relation to the frustration at hand. Oddly you make a statement about keeping perspective, where you have no perspective relative to those that are to wait an extra month now. While I'm sure you didn't intend it, hopefully you didn't, you kind of come off rude and arrogant given your slightly ostentatious remark at the end.

Yes, we all should keep perspective. My perspective is this is very disappointing. And I have every right to be. What this does allow is more time for me to contemplate whether or not I want to make this purchase, of which, I'm moving closer to not. But, only time will tell.

I had delays on the DK2 - didn't moan about, it was no big deal. Saitek X-55 I bought was delayed about 3 months - again, no complaints, just shrug and wait. It's just buying toys and getting toys. Basically - it's just toys! ;)

Disappointing, yes of course. People getting "very very annoyed" and others getting ragey on the Oculus forums? Really, you think that's okay over something like this? Hmmm.
I don't recall stating that it is something to get "ragey" about. What I did say is that it is disappointing. I thought the statements by you were out of perspective since you are not in relation to those who have to wait even longer. There is some compounding to the situation in that those who have dk2's may have added irritation since the dk2 is "no longer supported" (of course, solutions outside of ED are always an option). Especially to those that prefer playing ED in VR. So, your examples of being willing to wait several months for the dk2 and saitek are not necessarily the same.

Regardless, life will go on, people will wait and proclaim their frustration. It happens, and always will.

Although, it does seem rather pompous to come on here and tell others that there are more important things in life when you are about to receive the Oculus and are not in the several months waiting line. But, that's just my perspective.
OP used the term very very annoyed, sentiment echoed by others.

My comments were in no way directed at anyone expressing disappointment. :)
Okay. Thank you for the correction, and you are correct, there are more important things in life.....but they'd be so much better in VR! :D

BTW, I do hope you have a great experience with your rift. The more users/adopters of VR, the better future of VR.
I hope they do to.
I missed the kick starter ( I couldn't afford it at the time), and was fortunate to be given a dk2 by a family member. But, VR has been a dream of mine since first seeing the holodeck.
Delayed until end of July or beginning of August, but I don't care. I have waited many years for it, and I can wait some more. By the time I get it drivers and software will be better too :)
big suck for sure.
However there is no doubt that the rift is the superior HMD.

Less SDE, more clarity, way more comfortable, better touch controllers (so they say), lower price point initially.
definite seated experience victor.

i was a 6 minute Canadian with a march ship date, that has only jumped ahead to April 25. Cant really stress over it.
All will be well.

I feel for anyone though who had say an april date that is now nearing june..or worse.
From 28th March to between 9th May and 19th May.
Not sure what the pre-order business was for then...surely to get numbers of kits they needed and built in time?
So to say they now have a shortage is....strange at best.

Maybe its a way of sourcing different lenses that don't 'glare' so much without admitting an error or delay due to 'a problem' or 'fault' to mitigate migration to the Vive potentially by some? and/or 'bad' press?
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