Odyssey still very dark

... The point is they could've added multiple light sources regardless of adding the ability to walk about.
and yet they didn't...
Anyway the game is more of a space simulator, not a spaceship simulator.
Yes, most space simulators I've seen simulate two light points when showing two stars!
I'm a pilot not a ship, and I think adding the ability to get out also adds a huge amount to the sense of scale. I'm hoping walking around inside the ship will come in a content patch, and better still zero-gravity travel so we can travel between ships in space. How atmospheric could it be to board a long abandoned large ship to look for signs of the crew or data, with the lights flickering and creaking of the hull.
Not disagreeing with this point - except your belief in a content patch. So far as we know, this is it until the next paid DLC comes along after the console release of Odyssey in the autumn (or even the spring of 2022).
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There are many serious problems with the lighting system in Odyssey:

1) The quality of the sky box is way down from Horizons. Stars have little or no color in the sky - just white dots on jet black space - looks like a 1980s Atari space game. I do not want a cartoon look like No Mans Sky just make the sky box look like it did in Horizons. Stars had subtle color and some galactic dust was visible to a limited extent across the sky. It looked great and didn't need "fixing".

2) The depiction of the galaxy on the sky box looks horrible. Like a two year old painted it. Low rez and no longer smoothly fades into the black of space like it did in Horizons. looks like some one slapped a "galaxy sticker" on the background sky.

3) The dark side of planets is pitch black (as in how the world looks to the totally blind). Makes no difference if there are nearby moons or how many stars are in the sky. I have been out on the ocean far away from light sources on a moonless night and yes it was very dark, but I could see much better then in Odyssey. Once your eyes adjust it is amazing how much is visible with starlight. I do not want to go back to the overly bright dark side we used to have in years past but can't some minor adjustment be made to add a small amount of star light - like in real life?

4) Regardless of the star type the light it shines on surfaces is mostly white or subtle off white. When in a system with one deep red star the light projected into my ship or on a planet is mostly white. This is completely immersion killing and is not a new problem with Odyssey but I was hoping they would finally fix it. A blood red star should light surfaces with blood red light.

5) Here we are in 2021 with massively powerful GPUs and Frontier can not pull off multiple light sources. Were not talking about hundreds or even dozens of light sources. Maybe 4 or 5 stars with most systems being just two. They really can't make this happen? I am sorry but this is a space sim and the most important aspect of representing space is how light interacts from multiple stars and they cant even get this right?

6) The gamma adjustment is broken and seems to do little or nothing.

I have to say that as respects lighting I am deeply disappointed with Odyssey. I don't know if the developers don't care or are incapable but there is no rational excuse for not addressing these simple issues.

During testing they must have noticed the Odyssey sky box looked horrible compared to Horizons. Did they just say, the hell with it lets just push it out regardless no one will notice? Then after release they say nothing about it? Are they thinking if they do not mention it people will forget about it? I would love to understand there logic regarding this as it seems just bizarre to me. If it is a problem that can be fixed why not mention it in one of the streams. Just a brief comment to indicate this is not final and a fix is in the works is all it would take. I just do not understand how secretive Frontier is and how poor their communication is. They are truly there own worst enemy when it comes to communication.

A large part of Odyssey was supposed to be the new improved lighting system, but it is utterly broken and a major step back from Horizons, yet they say nothing about it? An analogy would be car company talking at great length about how next years cars will have amazing new paint options then when the cars are released they are all painted flat black. The marketing department talks about the great new power train but refuses to say a word about the ugly paint. This is how Frontier operates and I am really sick of it.
I'm conviced they're not saying anything about it because they have absolutely no intention of fixing it. The lighting engine has been completely broken since alpha and not even a peep of "we intend to address the lighting issues in a future patch". Instead, they have David come out and say it looks fine, and their recommendation for fixing graphical issues is to delete override modifications. While that may address a few edge cases where folks have screwed with their settings completely, it demonstrates they're not even on the same page as us in regards to the darkness of the new lighting engine and the ugliness of space.

To be clear, this isn't something that can be fixed by adjusting gamma or tweaking brightness or overriding colour settings in our video card control panel. They have completely replaced the lighting model used in Horizons with something designed only to look good for planetary surfaces. They will have seen this over the previous year of development and have decided it's absolutely fine. Even restoring self-illuminating textures and making stars glow correctly isn't going to revert the lighting to the previous model. As demonstrated in these screenshots, they're moving in a completely different direction with how scenes are renderered. https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/dark-blurry-graphics-unplayable.575438/post-9175883 New lighting engine, new material shader, new everything. No amount of bringing up histograms and tweaking our settings is going to make any improvement. We can artificially increase gamma on our video card and it doesn't fix anything; just makes everything bright too bright, and crunches the blacks even more.

They might as well ditch the Stellar Screenshots thread now. There will be no more good looking space images unless they make a drastic u-turn on their decisions with the rendering which have clearly been in place for many many months now. They need to make a new one called "Pretty Planets" because, despite most planets now looking awful from space like everything else in space in this space game, it seems the only thing they care about is if they can get atmospheric surface planets looking good, on the surface. The rest of the experience be damned. I expect the only "fixes" they make in this area to be to restore emmissive textures and make the gamma slider more sensitive, neither of which address the underlying issue at all. I just wish they'd say so now instead of making me wait to see them break Horizons in a few months time with the graphics "upgrade" and kill the game for good.
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I don't see how they can possibly think this is ok... There is a planet in there. and a ship dash somewhere. It's the dark side yeah, but at least the planet would be slightly visible if the starfield was a tad brighter. The gamma is up quite a bit in this as well.
Really curious about this, as my observations have been (1) looks about the same, (2) stars seem brighter and prettier. I usually play on an old TV that's only 1280x720, so with my big pixels, the smaller stars are still clearly one bright pixel each--they used to be multiple pixels, and I never really liked that--felt unrealistic. I wonder if the problem with stars for people with better monitors is that the stars are still only one pixel, but the pixels are smaller.

I now wonder if my old monitor has meant I've never seen how good it could look, but also meant that I'm not now seeing the degradation others are reporting. Nothing really looks too dark to me, but maybe my monitor just can't show the black? Definitely not looking like some of the screenshots.
I'm conviced they're not saying anything about it because they have absolutely no intention of fixing it.

I'm afraid you're right. That's exactly my feeling. I launched Odyssey three times and never found the will to test spacelegs, while I was waiting this feature for years.
Getting back to Horizon, it's like I've lost my will to play, with a bad taste of being milsead in some way.
For now I will park my ships and modules somewhere and get rid of my FC to stop these stupid fees from hurting my bank account. Maybe I will come again in the future but for now I feel the need to take a break.
Well worth a read, if you haven't already.
Glad I'm not the only one who hates the new lighting. I've been looking to see how I can get the cockpit view at all similar to the Horizon version but given up. It's just so different and horrendous in Odyssey. I know many people have states this already, but look at the below. This is in the same place in the system, just switched between H and O. The view is now completely overtaken by the holo/radar flair. You can't see anything of the cockpit itself and the HUD text is dimmer than before (I know I can adjust the brightness in the right hand HUD panel, but that just makes the holo/radar even worse.


I feel like the fact that most self-illuminating textures aren't functioning, addresses most of the issues shown. Skybox is missing all self-illumination of stars (same as ship light textures, glow textures, trophy textures, etc - all missing their self-illumination). Self-illumination is additive. So all those little stars, even if they're barely adding anything, add up to completely change how the skybox appears. Missing self-illumunation quite easily explains how

All the analysis threads that have gone into how there's too little gamma, or too much gamma, or too much contrast, or too much saturation, or etc etc, completely skip the fact that if you miss out an entire step in your rendering pipeline, you can't perform any meaningful analysis on the rest of it whatsoever, since it's dependent on something which isn't present. Once self-illuminating textures function again, we may see virtually all these issues resolved immediately. And then they can tone down the over-brightening they've put on certain elements because they were otherwise invisible.

Hell, the HUD is probably meant to be self-illuminating as well, adding a soft brightness that makes it appear as a glowing hologram rather than flat colour which we have to turn up brightness to even see. Those little console lights bottom left in the screenshots above are meant to be self-illuminating. They're not. If Fdev fix self-illumination which is missing from their renderer at present (see all neon and lights not function on SRV above, as well as numerous other ship screenshots missing all self-illumination from engines, neon paint, etc) most of our issues may go away fairly rapidly.
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There's so many great minds on here trying to help out... you'd swear this wasn't just a game. It's kinda something more i feel. Well done to everyone for all their effort though even if it goes under appreciated
For everyone who have never seen a real night sky, away from light pollution, and think space is black.

This is from Earth. Through a very thick atmosphere that we all know and love.



I've seen those skies myself. The pictures don't do them justice. They are the most magnificent view I ever had.

This is Elite, in space, with no light pollution, and no atmosphere.

I think the red ish thing is the milky way.

Can you see the difference ?

Please if you can, at least once in your life, you should go and see that sky for yourself.

I'd like it fixed. Thank you.
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Well worth a read, if you haven't already.
This! It's clearly broken
This! It's clearly broken
Like many other commentaries on the subject, this thread misses out the fact that an entire step of the rendering pipeline is missing. It's not necessarily that there's too much contrast or that it's made too dark. The self-illumination pass never occurs. You can't do meaningful analysis on a renderer which misses an entire lighting pass. Or it does, but somewhere along the way they accidentally strip all flags indicating which textures should be self-illuminated. Either way, most self-illuminating textures in the game (eg, the skybox, the hud, holo-trophys, neon paint, ship lights, etc), now aren't.

Edit: Thinking about it, it seems more likely they're accidentally stripping flags from textures, than that the pass isn't occurring. As there's plenty of self-illuminating textures in the new planetary bases (unless they're not, and its just all bright textures and bloom). It's just missing from virtually everything that's not a new Odyssey station interior.
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The game is clearly too dark in space and planets like class M planets or ice planets are cleary too bright.
Besides realism and physics being somewhat of an artistic choice that you can like or not...gameplay isn't!
-If it doesn t make sense to dogfight without nightvision it would also not make sense to have the planetary upgrade in the first place.
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