Odyssey VR Switch

If its not ready its not ready im talking about the ability to switch between game modes quicker
It won't be possible. I could be wrong but I'm not aware of a game designed for on the fly switching from VR headset to flat? They will either have VR support for Odyssey or not, but it's not impossible it might be added later if missing.

Well it's probably possible but not trivial
I play Elite in VR only, if they say they will bring VR to it down the line I will pick up the DLC when in supports VR. If not then I will not be going any further with Elite. And if nothing new is going to be coming to VR players then sadly for me I'll hang up my cap hat, for this one. Even when fleet carriers is released, I'm going to hold off playing until I know what they plan to do for VR players in Odyssey. For me I'm not taking VR off every time I step out of my ship. If horse power is the problem then we can turn down the graphic settings, if you need the best then upgrade if you must, but give the players the option of VR down the road.
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With latest news regarding VR, i do not know if "soon", "maybe" and "possibillity" will be enough for a purchase.
I cant imagine they'd drop VR from an engine that's already got it working well. Really if anything translating menus to VR would be the only heavy lifting they'd have to implement. also the only other hang up I can dream up is if they decide to go all in for VR FPS and add hand controllers for the Rift/Vive. I doubt they'll do that, I'm guessing it'll be KB+M or Xbox controller for on foot VR movement/gunplay.
I can´t find the OGpost anymore.. but after all that has been said on streams, in forums and on reddit, it just does not look good for VR users.
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