General / Off-Topic Official release of 3 UFO videos by the Pentagon

After when all the Starlinks are launched and even 5g antennas up mount around the world, we will probably see many unmanned drones flying around the world that can handle high G forces that we will call it UFO "thanks to Ironman" :D
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Military usually has better technology than the general public. Its not like it would be hard to retrofit something with better graphics than an etch-a-sketch. We managed to get pictures from the surface of Venus in the 70s. There is no excuse

Firstly, the video is a thermal image.
If different features of an image are the same temperature, they're going to show up as a "blob" regardless of what they physically look like.
If you've got a thermal-imaging device that seems to provide better detail than this, it's because it "cheats" by superimposing a visible-light image on top of a thermal image to provide detail.

Secondly, we're talking about fairly extreme conditions.
What you're seeing, in that video, is an image of an object several km distant, zoomed-in to fill a screen.
Try doing the same thing with a decent 4K camera and you'll be lucky to get anything worthwhile.
Added to which, the camera is attached to an aircraft travelling at speed, in a harsh environment.
There's only so much gimbals, hardware and software can do to stabilise/enhance an image in those conditions.

Thirdly, it's all about fitness for purpose.
Those cameras are really intended to detect and track "hidden" contacts.
If they pick out a hot-white "blob", for example, then you know there's the possibility that there may be something significant nearby.
They don't really need to be capable of identifying the contact because there are other systems to help with that.

Course, it'd be nice if the military - and everybody else, I guess - carried 8K multispectral cameras that recorded at 600fps with comprehensive metadata so we could all be sure that every image we recorded provided optimal detail but you can't really fault the military for not having stuff capable of doing things it wasn't really intended for.
I'll call Project Blue Book.............
This can only be the reconnaissance team from Trisolaris. If it had been us Martians, there wouldn't have been NO video to show. Flippin amateurs getting caught like that :alien:
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