Oh my... (Rift first impressions)

I will figure out how to turn the grid on.
In the meantime, I figured out how to select stars without the benefit of a cursor/selector, it is literally a case of finding a dense cluster of stars, and looking at it like this:


Until the "select/plot route/bookmark" box opens. It's very fiddly, but it worked once, so I managed to jump about 40 jumps to the bubble today, which is farther than I've travelled in a long time.

Then the server lost connection (twice :eek: ), so I ed aorund in the tutorials. And I never realised quite how awesome the Cobra's cockpit is :).
Ha, that sounds most excellent. I bet it's just super amazing, and a bit scary once your involved in a bit of combat?!
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Ha, that sounds most excellent. I bet it's just super amazing, and a bit scary once your involved in a bit of combat?!

It's weird. It's a huge difference from looking at it on a screen. Once I put the rift on and I was inside my ship, the galaxy suddenly seemed a lot more dangerous. I did some combat tutorials (Because I'm far from the bubble in an explorer) to get a feel for the combat, and it was pretty challenging stuff. For the first time in the game, I felt like they weren't shooting at my ship, they were shooting at me.

What I did notice is you move your head about an awful lot. I was in a cobra so I spent a lot of my time craning my neck to look out of the glass above me.
Remember what I was saying about the galaxy seeming more dangerous?

Jumped into a system to see a star in front of me, another star peeking out just behind that one, and to my right, a third star about the size of a tennis ball held at arm's length.
My exact reaction was "ohhh my word" :p

EDIT: Just did my first VR planetary landing. First thoughts "Whoa that planet's big".
Second thoughts when I'm about 100m above the surface "Uhh I'm up really high".

Then I landed and jumped into the SRV for a bit of zooming around. The SRV is bouncy and rolls around a lot so I started thinking "argh this could conceivably give me VR sickness", but it wasn't too bad :).

And then I stopped, looked around, my tires are on the dirt, I'm sat inside this awesome moon buggy rover thing, my Asp is visible just over the nearest hill and my brain went "Whoa I'm ON A PLANET!" :D
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Rift arrived earlier today. I've never tried any of the DKs, so CV1 was my first experience with VR. I did a few tech demos and got a feel for the rift, but nothing prepared me for jumping into my Asp for the first time with the rift.

I think my first words were "Oh my **g god" followed by a minute or two of mouth-agape gazing around. I looked above me, the cockpit roof was far above my head. I looked over my shoulder, beyond the cockpit glass, the huge chunky superstructure of the Asp was visible.

"It's so **g big!" I said out loud. I had no idea my ship was so big!

I looked at my arms on the controlsand got a weird tingle down my own. Those are my arms! I thought as my mouth hung open. I looked down at my feet, and then beyond them where the cockpit floor windows showed nothing but empty space.

I spent another few minutes just sitting in space, gazing in awe around the cockpit. If I never play anything else but ED on the rift, it will still have been worth every penny!

Absolutely incredible.

EDIT: I did the sidewinder combat tutorial just to get a feel for the Rift. I went to look around and see what was behind my pilot's chair, and headbutted an empty coffee cup that wasn't in my cockpit! Hahaha!

Today is my first real day on the Rift. Spent the last few days system building. I am blown away too. I'm almost afraid of this thing.

Yeah, it's incredible the difference VR makes in terms of your ability to judge size. My tiny viper is a huge ship. The cockpit chair is more like a throne. And when you outfit it, it just blows your mind how huge the ship is. I was just using my Viper. I'm afraid to take my Vulture out and get killed.

Now, there is a thread with instructions on using supersampling which sharpens the image even more. *deep breath* This is totally new gaming experience. It's like your first video game.
Well, I got my Rift something to keep it company while I play Internet Spaceships(tm).

A 1070. I didn't want to pay an extra £200 ($293) for an extra 7fps :p.
I've got all the settings turned up to ultra and Supersampling on 1.5. There is the tiniest occasional bit of judder, but other than that, the game is butter smooth, even in stations :D.
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