I misspelled my title and i'm sad. Oresrians

Possible spoiler info below, read at own risk.

Are the Thargoids currently encountered Os (Oresrians) or Ks (Klaxians)? How do we know?

I'm asking because several posts talk about them being Os in reference to the story structure of Os making a run 'behind' us so we're a buffer between them and their enemy, the Ks. The Os are setting up shop in Pleiades to amp up strength while we slow the Ks down or something like that. That seems to be the idea. Since the Os are supposedly nice we shouldn't murder their faces and instead amass our armaments and await the Ks intrusion, when them come looking for Os.

Except that doesn't make any sense to me. Not convinced its wrong, but with the Thargoid's current level of technology there's no way to 'hide behind' something. They travel in the same manner our capital ships do. Point to point, ignoring super cruise and ignoring conventional space all together, based on what you can see when a goid opens a wake. If the Os set up shop behind us, what's to stop the Ks from bypassing us and going straight for them? Nothing, especially since they can wipe out any major military wings. They'd come and go because we are inconsequential to them.

But they haven't. They came, stayed, and expressed curiosity. In the Pleiades, with us, and with ammonia worlds. Their sensors deployed and surrounded the place, monitoring all ship activity. Their probes have measured every planet, especially ammonia worlds, and when that wasn't enough they set up staging grounds with barnacles and large structures to deep scan us as we passed through. Still -looking- for something.

All that said to propose we aren't seeing Os. We're seeing Ks. The Os are dug so deep around/inside us the Ks are having a hard time finding them. As they increased efforts they increased presence which increased our meddling. Our meddling is the exact kind of buffer the Os can hide behind. Every time we fire a shot, take a sample, get hyperdicted, play with their tech, its less time they've had to find the Os.

But they know the Os are here. They are close. Close enough to invest all that work into the Pleiades. Close enough they smell the Os scent on our ships.

--Side rant--

Regardless, whether Os or Ks remember that true peace isn't going to happen (MB has said peace would only be temp btw). Thargoids are mega ants. They only see their hive, different hives, and others. We are and will forever be others, not of their hives. Right now they don't care much about us, but either we poke them too hard, or our resources look better in their stores. Either way they won't see us as friends. Only competition. And Ants remove the competition.

All the people trying to make friends by feeding them meta alloys. You're not doing anyone any favors. Thargoids are the ones making meta alloys. They've a process to interact with barnacles. All you've been doing is shooting up their production, holding the resource back with slow propulsion (in comparison) only to deliver it while the thargoids are scanning and looting post fight. Causing them to pause, deal with your delivery, and then continue the job. You are the middle man that hinders the process in the grand scheme. In fact, the barnacles may be needing the meta-alloys and you shooting them off is slowing down their purpose and hurting the Thargoid's initiative. You are not helping them, you are hindering them. If you want 'peace' stay out of their way completely. They don't need us, they don't want us, and its better for our health if they continue to ignore us and stop building resistances to our weaponry.

But that's boring, I say keep doing it. Stock pile that self healing metal-organic science stuff. We'll need it to have self healing hulls in the future and to keep our stations safe from corrosive goid effects. Then once we've built up an arsenal, spread our freedom to those hives with anti-goid freedom infused weaponry in a quick blaze of pest control the likes of which has never been seen in our galaxy.
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Maybe the fungus killed them both. And they never were the race that build those ships, they just took control over them from what they found on Guardian worlds. And now with the controllers gone, the old systems take over, doing things the Thargoids never even thought of possible themselves.
Read Premonition and you will find out its the Os

I have. Page 436 is the big reveal of the civil war and their movements. The Os are falling back, heading to the core. Nothing is mentioned about either faction setting up bases (unless i missed that in which remind me what page its on). And Salome was doing the dialog. She's dead and gone, the Os movements started a while ago. The thargoid movement we are seeing now could be the Ks following the Os footsteps through our space. Which is why I'm asking the question if they are Os or Ks now.
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I have. Page 436 is the big reveal of the civil war and their movements. The Os are falling back, heading to the core. Nothing is mentioned about either faction setting up bases (unless i missed that in which remind me what page its on). And Salome was doing the dialoged. She's dead and gone, the Os movements started a while ago. The thargoid movement we are seeing now could be the Ks following the Os footsteps through our space. Which is why I'm asking the question if they are Os or Ks now.

I'm kind of feeling that view tbh. Would make sense that the detection network set up around the last goid centre of activities ( UA/UP/UL) was set up by the Ks looking for the Os ('cos that is where they last were).

The network seems to identify ships, traffic, alien bases etc. It is not impossible that this is tech the Ks have deployed to find the Os in that volume of space. Of course it's also plausible it is nothing to do with them.

If the symbol on the barnacles and in the middle of the ship identifier in all instances has been the same so far it's reasonable to assume we have only seen one faction to date. As to which one it is, well that's anyone's guess really. It would make sense for the O's to hide completely while the Ks travel our space uncaring if they are seen and pulling our ships out of hyperspace to see what they are, popping our ships, taking our escape pods and generally seeing what the squishy things inside our metal cans are... as technically they have never encountered us before.
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