place your stupid high hopes " major feature overhaul for 2023 "

I have to interject that the more a hypothetical more "fleshed out" mission gets the potential to swell beyond its initially apparent confinements, the more I will want the option to stop playing at any time, without mission timers and conditions carrying on ticking in my absence, so that I can pick back up right where I left off, at any later time.
All I would like is multiple samples at a time for my juicer, look at this;


Standing on my ship I can count 5 different bio's, and can only sample one at a time, so I run around the ships in a circle and get the close ones, two species at 150m distance, I have to do that twice, two bio at 500m, so I have to fly in a straight line and stop 5 times in total to get those, and one bio at 800m, so that's another 3 flights and stops to scan bio, getting in and out of the ship every time. How much easier if I could have just grabbed 5 samples from here!
No, the game doesn't suck, it's pretty great and could be epic, but the developers move at glacial speed and are distracted by chasing money with other products instead. I would like them to focus on what they know best, do better and put more effort in Elite.

That's almost comical. It's because FDEV have spent the last few decades developing other IP and selling other products that they are even in a position to develop and support Elite Dangerous, and you just want them to give all that other stuff up and work only on ED? Do you even the history and the development of this release? Sorry but that's a silly statement.
All I would like is multiple samples at a time for my juicer, look at this;


Standing on my ship I can count 5 different bio's, and can only sample one at a time, so I run around the ships in a circle and get the close ones, two species at 150m distance, I have to do that twice, two bio at 500m, so I have to fly in a straight line and stop 5 times in total to get those, and one bio at 800m, so that's another 3 flights and stops to scan bio, getting in and out of the ship every time. How much easier if I could have just grabbed 5 samples from here!
Same problem, even with an SRV. With fungoida and other species (like concha labiata?) that prefer hilly and rocky ground it becomes quite a bother to drive around too. I find running quite painful -- my chap is old and hearing him pant and gasp as he does makes me feel sorry for him!
Well, I'm hoping that it's not Powerplay now. The Thargoid war has taken up too much of my time and I haven't had a chance to get involved with flying for the Emperor lately. I feel a rework of powerplay would be over shadowed by what's happening with the Aliens.

I'd still say the biggest thing that needs looking at is Crime and Punishment. i.e. more pirate attacks in low and Anarchy systems with wings of ships to add more variety, a way to punish Griefers with in game mechanics and Crime/piracy needs to pay better.

However, I'm still expecting it to be Engineering, Even though i think all that needs to be done is to ;-
  1. Reduce the power output of the enhanced powerplants, thus forcing people to think more about their ship builds.
  2. More mats on a scoop or as a mission reward.
That's the issue I have with Elite sometimes. In most cases the functionality is 95% of the way there (and it's an enjoyable 95%) but its that missing 5% which doesn't complete a certain gameloop or piece of functionality that causes disappointment.

I did this ( ), just before Odyssey dropped and I think most of the points are still valid.
'major feature overhaul for 2023' is not a phrase Frontier have used recently, so I'm wandering if it might just be quietly forgotten.
I was just about to say it's now almost February and not a peep about this new feature. That's okay, I'm enjoying dozens of new major feature overhauls in the surprisingly stable X4 Foundations 6.0 beta. Did I mention these are well-documented new features?
Quite confident that it'll be a PowerPlay rework; purposely designed to synergize with the Thargoid War system.
And it'll likely give the players a bigger impact on the game's economy as well.

They'll likely remove the players' ability to haul PowerPlay Commodities ourselves.
The one aspect that gets the most hate in the current system.

The rework will focus PowerPlay gameplay on disrupting the delivery of the PowerPlay Commodities over the entire period of a week, rather then the spreadsheet like sniping affair it has been upto this point in time.

That's where the Building, Ship, and Vehicle, Schematics will all come into play.
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