General Popped Collar: Commander Wardrobe Expansions for Oddyssey

After watching the Starport Tour, I was taken aback at just how much animation went into the various npcs. This has lead me to one singular conclusion: Popped collar apparel baby!

For a long time I have felt that the current outfits available to commanders has under utilized it's potential for player immersion and compelling players to spend their Arx on them. The simplest way to improve on both of these would be to give players access to clothing options similar to the ones minor faction contacts currently wear in their still portraits. After all, minor factions are one of the main catalysts for continued player interaction with the Elite Dangerous world at large and we are going to be seeing a lot more commander avatars!

Odyssey's main goal has been to increase the immersion and relatability of the player's user experience. Now that we have seen such detailed implementations of various npc assets I feel it would be a small step for the art team to give players new outfit options from minor factions during their down time, given that most of these will already exist on npcs regardless. Is this something you have in the works Frontier Dev?

How about you, CMDRs? What minor faction outfits would you like to show off in the new Starports?

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