Possibly alternative to refunds for guest unhappiness

So I understand that the refunds for unhappiness are a game mechanic to force you to actually consider guest needs. For animal escapes and such I understand refunds. As other people have pointed out though, refunds for a guest just being unhappy would almost never happen at a regular zoo.

As an alternative, what if guests who leave unhappy damaged the reputation of your zoo leading to fewer visitors and the need to do more advertizing?

I don't think this is a particularly urgent issue but at some point if it's possible to bring this in I think it would be much more realistic than having to given refunds to unhappy guests. It could even be set up so we could decide whether or not to issue refunds to unhappy guests. Guests who get the refunds are less unhappy after that and do less damage to your zoo reputation. Guests who don't get a refund are very unhappy and do more reputation damage. Again, this is more in line with how a real life organization would operate, making a cost benefit decision about whether a refund is worth it.
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