Post pictures to the forum threads?

Go to and make an account. It doesn't ask any personal info or register with the facebook link on their site.

Once you've registered you will click the upload Images button. this will pop up.


Choose either from your computer and follow the upload instructions

After you have uploaded it then click your new uploaded picture. This is what you would see.


copy the link that I circled.

Then in the forum here you will click on the little picture Icon. You will choose the url tab if you have an option. Make sure you un-check the upload button if it's and option as well. enter your copied link into the bar and presto.


Volunteer Moderator
On top of the great post by Dalenotchip, I would like to add that you can also copy the BBcode link that is also listed, and post the BBcode link directly in your post on the forum. As soon as you preview your post, or post your post, the image becomes visible. If something went wrong, you can always edit your post as long as you do it within a few minutes after posting. [happy]
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