Ships PVE CZ Ship

That Chief build is the current CZ speed run record holder
You could probably substitute the pacifiers for gimballed frags and still do great with it
I'm a few days into my 4 week wait to unlock the pacifiers and I can attest that this is true (except I use all fixed). It's the strongest build I've tried by some distance. Having 4 pips in system constantly (when required) makes it more durable than any other build I've tried too.

It's definitely got the odd target that it's not easy to use against and quite often in those fights it's just a matter of being patient (they rarely pose a threat, just take a while to zero in on) but it has no weaknesses except ammo (and that's not much of an issue if you're willing to do the odd shard run to fill up on the three mats required for synthesis) and range, which isn't much of an issue in pve.

Compared to an all energy build, or even a mixed beams and frags/mcs, beams pa or beams rails build, it's night and day.

Which isn't particularly a good thing. But this isn't an opinions thread so I'll leave that there.
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