Reaching Saturn Nebula!?

So, I'm looking at galmap. I've found Cojie SK-N D7-0 Cojia DA-P D6-0, Cojie KT-Q D5-0

Is there anything closer. At that range stars are hard to find. That is 1kly above saturn nebula. I swear I keep seeing other stars below but they are hard to spot. Still looking. Sadly I will not be the first to get to Iras 21565-3937. 8(

Seeing lots of Blae Dryua's that are lower but they get farther away towards the galactic core.

On a separate note. Weird distant stars:

Chalea NS-K D8-0(fat yellow)
Chalea LM-M D7-0(neutron)

Stars heading to the highest star:

oub aoscs AA-A H2(WOO I?)(closest star I can find to highest star.)(865.0514426ly) If we get jump boost at all we might be able to reach this.
oub aoscs AA-A H3(B2 IVA, OO VI, OO VI?)(372.3358699ly from H2) Almost reachable with current jumps.
oub aoscs AA-A H1(Black Hole, Black Hole)
oub aoscs AA-A H0(Black Hole, Neutron Star)
oub aoscs AA-A G0(Black Hole, Neutron Star)
oub aoscs AA-A C0(Neutron Star)
oub aoscs AA-A D0(Neutron Star)
Lots of these sequence stars to explore and help get around.
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