Reduced jump ranges to accomidate planetary landings.

I am seeing that Beta players are only getting 30Ly out of 34Ly Asps etc when fitted with the SRV and thrusters needed to land on planets. I wonder if larger FSDs will make an eventual appearance or this is FD way of slowing exploration down? Kinda miffed at it all TBH.
I am seeing that Beta players are only getting 30Ly out of 34Ly Asps etc when fitted with the SRV and thrusters needed to land on planets. I wonder if larger FSDs will make an eventual appearance or this is FD way of slowing exploration down? Kinda miffed at it all TBH.

*Jumponium* (or whatever) is the counter. You can use it to increase you jump range for limited uses. So, in theory, you can double the jump range - though someone who has actually mad wit and used it can chime in on how it works, exactly. Not sure if it is a single use, or works for a tank of fuel... Or...?

It uses 1:1 fuel, single use. The amount of fuel you would use to go 50Ly is the amount you will use to super jump. I get all of that.

What sucks is that we are losing a significant jump range to participate in landings, but no larger FSD is being offered.
It uses 1:1 fuel, single use. The amount of fuel you would use to go 50Ly is the amount you will use to super jump. I get all of that.

What sucks is that we are losing a significant jump range to participate in landings, but no larger FSD is being offered.

I still have Hope™ that there will be "special" modules, like bi-weave shields and Imperial Hammers, but in FSD varieties. Perhaps a Slipstream FSD™, which weighs a few T more... But... Also acts like a 1 slot larger FSD drive - or whatever compromise FD want to come up with.

There's always hoping that the looting and crafting that FDev have been talking about extends beyond the current synthesis options.
Crafting an FSD that jumps a little further but uses more fuel for example.
There's always hoping that the looting and crafting that FDev have been talking about extends beyond the current synthesis options.
Crafting an FSD that jumps a little further but uses more fuel for example.

Yeah, I agree, such things would be very nice. I do actually like where this is going, in terms of exploration, it really means, a sI said before, that you need to consider your primary goal to outfit your ship - which is awesome. Up to now, there has pretty much been one Anaconda build, and one Asp build, with the option of shields or no shields.

Now we have roles within exploration - ultimate reach? Speed? Planetary landings? "Discovery? There are now many viable options to make exploration worthwhile.

Let's hope, as you say, crafting allows for some module modifications (with the usual balance of pros and cons, of course).

Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.
Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.

...On low fuel...Which means star by star plotting on the firnges of space...

I guess your long distance plottable range is currently about 33 Ly? Which is still ok...

I'm quite happy with it, to be honest. Outfitting becomes more varied, trade-offs have to be made, roles can be assigned in fleet exploration.

To me, range alone never meant that much. There is enough to see, find, discover even with 20-25 ly range. And now, with planetary landings, exploration is slowing down anyway.

Meanwhile, reaching far distant places like Beagle Point will take more effort, at least if you want to take an SRV - which is a choice, not something you have to do, landing is still possible. Finding jumponium, taking care of your buggy, planning your outfit accordingly, all those things add more challenge, and offer more satisfaction.

The galaxy will seem bigger again. Personally, I think that's a good thing. But your mileage may vary. :)
Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.

I'm interested in your build Kat, could you please post, I am struggling with finding a good Conda build which will give me good landing, shielding and boost as well as SRV accommodation and good range. I am currently at 34.3LY range. You seem to have cracked it:)
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I am seeing that Beta players are only getting 30Ly out of 34Ly Asps etc when fitted with the SRV and thrusters needed to land on planets. I wonder if larger FSDs will make an eventual appearance or this is FD way of slowing exploration down? Kinda miffed at it all TBH.

I'm pleased with it.

If you want, you can travel without any buggies and get your maximum range. Or you can carry a buggy and have a little less range. Or you can carry a full compliment of buggies and have even further reduced range. Now your ship doesn't jump as far so getting to your destination takes longer, but once you're there you will have much less chance of running out of buggies and having to return home early.

You will need to choose how to fit your exploration ship according to the priorities of your given expedition. Not only am I pleased with that, I am nearly exuberant with it.

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And now, with planetary landings, exploration is slowing down anyway.

I think this is an important point. Exploring the surface of a small little rock can easily eat up hours and hours of time. If you're fitting SRV's for exploration, with a real intent of exploring in the SRVs, then you aren't going to be zipping around quickly. You're going to be going very slow (and making very, very few credits per hour).

If you're bringing the buggies because you want jumponium... well, don't? Get your jumponium prior to your trip, then take your trip in a non-srv equipped jump range monster.

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Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.

What is the impact of this build on the size of the planets you can safely land on?
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