I am seeing that Beta players are only getting 30Ly out of 34Ly Asps etc when fitted with the SRV and thrusters needed to land on planets. I wonder if larger FSDs will make an eventual appearance or this is FD way of slowing exploration down? Kinda miffed at it all TBH.
It uses 1:1 fuel, single use. The amount of fuel you would use to go 50Ly is the amount you will use to super jump. I get all of that.
What sucks is that we are losing a significant jump range to participate in landings, but no larger FSD is being offered.
There's always hoping that the looting and crafting that FDev have been talking about extends beyond the current synthesis options.
Crafting an FSD that jumps a little further but uses more fuel for example.
Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.
Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.
Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.
I am seeing that Beta players are only getting 30Ly out of 34Ly Asps etc when fitted with the SRV and thrusters needed to land on planets. I wonder if larger FSDs will make an eventual appearance or this is FD way of slowing exploration down? Kinda miffed at it all TBH.
And now, with planetary landings, exploration is slowing down anyway.
Didn't have to sacrifice much for my build. I still get 36ly on low fuel. Can carry 6 SRVs and have 5A thrusters.