Repair of the housing from the SRV.

Hi all !

Give the opportunity to repair the body SHIP of the SRV (welding, etc.) with the necessary materials.
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in SRV repair HULL SHIP ?
We already have a way to repair the hull of the ship. Limpet Controller


Repair limpets repair the targeted ship's hull. If launched without an assigned target, they will repair the hull of their parent ship instead. Depending on what type of Repair Limpet Controller is installed, multiple limpets can be active on a ship at a time; exceeding the module's limit of active limpets will cause the oldest active limpet on the target to self-destruct.
We already have a way to repair the hull of the ship. Limpet Controller


Repair limpets repair the targeted ship's hull. If launched without an assigned target, they will repair the hull of their parent ship instead. Depending on what type of Repair Limpet Controller is installed, multiple limpets can be active on a ship at a time; exceeding the module's limit of active limpets will cause the oldest active limpet on the target to self-destruct.
This one.

Fit a repair limpet, fire (with no target selected), limpet will repair your ship.

Run out of limpets? Synthesize more.
We already have a way to repair the hull of the ship. Limpet Controller


Repair limpets repair the targeted ship's hull. If launched without an assigned target, they will repair the hull of their parent ship instead. Depending on what type of Repair Limpet Controller is installed, multiple limpets can be active on a ship at a time; exceeding the module's limit of active limpets will cause the oldest active limpet on the target to self-destruct.
My suggestion is just another option to fix the hull.
Whoever doesn’t like can install a repair drones module and carry a cargo compartment with him.
I should also add this would lead to the abandonment of repair limpets entirely, because explorers can save weight by not packing a limpet controller and carrying limpets and thus increase jump range. So you wouldn't be adding a feature, you would be effectively abandoning a feature altogether. All an explorer has to do to repair is land on a nearby moon, and since most damage to ship hulls in exploration is down to bouncing off moons, you are already there anyway.
I should also add this would lead to the abandonment of repair limpets entirely, because explorers can save weight by not packing a limpet controller and carrying limpets and thus increase jump range. So you wouldn't be adding a feature, you would be effectively abandoning a feature altogether. All an explorer has to do to repair is land on a nearby moon, and since most damage to ship hulls in exploration is down to bouncing off moons, you are already there anyway.
I actually like the SRV repairs far more than limpets, but it would also cause the outcry of people who don't own Horizons etc. etc..

After all this time, why won't FD simply give Horizons to the rest of the people?! I paid for it but I wouldn't mind as this would simplify the further development. Well, until the next paid expansion. :D


My suggestion is just another option to fix the hull.
Whoever doesn’t like can install a repair drones module and carry a cargo compartment with him.
See exploration is not about having multiple options to do one thing. But to decide what really needed while exploration. Part of that fun is the sacrifice some Ships have to make to take that journey. It still a no.
I should also add this would lead to the abandonment of repair limpets entirely, because explorers can save weight by not packing a limpet controller and carrying limpets and thus increase jump range. So you wouldn't be adding a feature, you would be effectively abandoning a feature altogether. All an explorer has to do to repair is land on a nearby moon, and since most damage to ship hulls in exploration is down to bouncing off moons, you are already there anyway.
Sorry, but you wrote it so there is something bad about it? After all, they did, for example, the FSS and freed the slot.
See exploration is not about having multiple options to do one thing. But to decide what really needed while exploration. Part of that fun is the sacrifice some Ships have to make to take that journey. It still a no.
For me personally, repairing a ship’s hull after landing is more logical and interesting than using drones.
How many types of drones are in the game? 5-6? Or do you need 10 more to add?
I think its a fun idea.

I always thought we should be able to at least partly repair our ship's hull when we land on a planet. Weld on some pop cans to patch up the holes. Maybe not pretty but good enough to limp home. Maybe only 50% hull repair with added paint damage (some background game math to prevent players from performing repairs the same spot for repeated 50% repairs.).

The idea of being able to (partly) repair your own ship Han Solo / Chewbacca style sounds fun to me.

Perhaps standard repair tools, torches, etc. and basic parts is something you buy and must carry in cargo. (Standard ship repair kit) Without the equipment you can't repair.

I don't know if it makes sense that the SRV can perform hull repairs. It doesn't seem physically capable of climbing around your ship. But a commander might be cable of doing a crappy job of a repair. Good enough anyway.
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Ok, let kill this tread right now. Let watch this video Note the size of the SRV vs other ships that can hold the SRV from the Sidewinder to large ships like Cutter, and Anaconda. Please note the size of the SRV vs the Large ships. Then please try to debunk my point. Right now we have hull repair unit. Which covers the 100% of the ship. While an SRV will only hit a small % depending on location.

No need to be rude Lestate. If you read the thread you will notice I already mentioned the accessibility issue but gave other possible variation of the idea and the OP gave thumbs up.
Also you might ask... well how can a commander possibly fix the hull of a ship the size of a Boing 747? What if there is 60% damage? Well you can ask the same about a tiny limpets. I'm not sure what "60%" actually means. I'm assuming it does not mean 60% of your hull is missing but rather you are 60% towards a hull breach. So the actual repair doesn't involve the need for huge sheets of hull material.
Sounds like a neat feature even though there already is repair limpets. Driving around your landed ship and hitting various spots with a welder beam or something like that. That'd be great atmosphere. Of course there is some practical problems like it being a bit too easy compared to limpets. With limpets you have the oppoturnity cost of having to carry the controller and cargo rack foe the limpets. Perhaps SRV repair should require some materials that are about middle in the rarity scale to match the effort.
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