Resource Extraction Sites and Bounty Hunting.

Can we get an overhaul of both bounty hunting and the RES system?

As it stands Resource Extraction sites are about the most non sensical things in the Elite verse.

Imagine for a second that you worked in a current day real life mine. Now imagine one day whilst at work the guy or gal next you gets summarily shot and robbed.

Would you?:

A. Run

B. Attempt to defend your co-worker and possibly your own life

C. Continue working and hope the baddie doesn't pick you next

Every day the galaxy over miners in Elite pick option C and and continue merrily mining away whilst all around them their cohorts are robbed and summarily executed. This is some of the most un-immersive claptrap in the game.

Lets go back to our imaginary current day mine shall we?

Yesterday your co worker was shot and robbed, today do you....

A. Find a new job.

B. Take a personal day to deal with the trauma.

C. Stiff upper lip it and head back to work at the same place. In the same spot.

Once again in the far distant future our intrepid miners pick option C and turn up day in and day out to the same place in the same rings (taking some imaginative leeway with npc persistence here) and patiently wait for the pirates to finish massacring their fellow miners.

All of the that assumes a Haz Res. In any other type of rez site it's just as insane but more from the pirates perspective; you're a pirate who's buddy is currently getting annihilated by a wing of system security condas do you...

A. Keep pirating as if nothing is happening.

B. Keep pirating and hope system sec is tired from a full day of pirate massacre and leaves you alone.

C. Keep pirating and hope that CMDR in his Fer-De-Murderboat doesn't notice you once he's done soloing an entire wing of other pirates.

D. All of the above.

As it stands both RES' and bounty hunting as a career could use a massive overhaul starting with doing away with RES's all together. They make zero sense in any context. Not even from a miners perspective. Why would you, as a merry npc miner, choose to share your mining spot with even one other ship? Why would you continue mining whilst others are in the process of being spaced? None of it makes a lick of sense.

All that said space combat inside an asteroid belt is fun. So how do we preserve that and do away with they non sensical RES system? By using another mechanic that's already in the game; unidentified signal sources within planetary rings.

They'd have to be scanned and wouldn't always be a miner or a miner being harassed by a pirate. Sometimes it'd be just a pirate. Or a group or miners (who act appropriately suspicious and respond with swift defensive measures should a cmdr approach too close) or a group of pirates, or a group of smaller ships racing each other through the roids, or a ship stuck in the belt with no fuel or a busted FSD. The possibilities are endless.

This means that there's no more endless conga line of pirates waiting to get blown up in one convenient location so rewards per kill would need to be adjusted.

Now, about those CZ's...............
Actually the rabbit hole goes much deeper than that. Why would you risk a 200M+ ship shooting miners when you could just buy some prospecting and collector limpets, a refinery and mining laser and literally pick up millions in platinum, painite and palladium? They must have really large and hungry families. ;)
Thats...very true. It's not like mining lasers are some closely guarded technological secret.

Silly pirates. Silly miners.
The game economy as depicted is not a realistic one ... but that's probably better than the alternative even if it does require weird things like RES.

Piracy is sufficiently slow - even with a cooperative target, in a system where it's legal - that even if the target has a hold full of diamonds there are probably more profitable things to do with a pirate ship.

If the target has a more realistic set of trade goods and makes even a poor attempt to run away or fight back, it's far less profitable than basic A-B trading and you get shot at more for doing it.

The "realistic" situation should be
- no pirates
- no bounty hunters (because no-one's committing any significant amount of crimes)
- all traders/miners

For pirates to realistically exist, they need to be able to reliably steal enough cargo that the trader makes a net loss on the trip. That would be an extremely substantial change to gameplay - and not, I expect, a popular one with traders! - which would require significant changes to both trade pricing and methods for stealing cargo in bulk.
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