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I've unlocked several copies of the 5A ones from the previous CG, and have added mass manager on them, didn't even know there was an issue.. Hope they don't get messed up in the future..
Why is that?
Your Cutter with it single engineered FSD can jump farther tnan a Type-9 with it's double engineered FSD.
It can, yes.
[old rich Cutter owner mode on]
However, every self-respecting owner of a cargo-oriented Cutter adds two things to it: 8A G5 drag drives and permaboost-capable PD (at least G5 engine-focused 6A). This makes it jump better (about 2 LY more) than fully laden (758 tons, 5D ELPS shield), ultralight T9 with double FSD+MM, but slightly worse (about 2 LY less) than the same T9, but unladen. The latter fact infuriates every Cutter owner. Especially those who have a Class 5 shield on their cargo rigs. Thus, it cannot stand and must be squashed by the way of adding a double-engineered 7A FSD with MM.
[/old rich Cutter owner mode off]
Why is that?
Your Cutter with it single engineered FSD can jump farther tnan a Type-9 with it's double engineered FSD.
Yes, but... it's only SINGLE engineered! DOUBLE engineered would be MORE engineered, and if the Cutter is about ANYTHING, it's about MORE.

I guess you have to own a Cutter to understand...
Why is that?
Your Cutter with it single engineered FSD can jump farther tnan a Type-9 with it's double engineered FSD.
Cutter with 2 second reboot is completely immune to anything in Open.
Can't torp it, too fast.
Can't down shields, too thick.
Can't grom, too rebooty :LOL:

Well, a minelayer could theoretically hurt it, but I haven't seen one of those for a long time.
It's all reverski Cutters&Phantoms, TC-PA FdLs and frag Mambas.
Exclusivity of gameplay assets is a bad thing anyway. Skins, decals and other cosmetics sure, but not modules (double-engineered, legacy !) or ships (Cobra IV !).
I was been able to put MM on my all second set of 3 CG FSD's. Did visit old hag farseer three times today, and was able to did it without any problems, while learning few intersting things.

I think, I know also why Frontier asked to "kindly" refrain from putting experimentals on those, and why, for some it appears that Pre-engineered moduels are greyed out. Here is why:

It seems that any ship that have any pre-engieered module installed and if game was saved after putting it, then it will be greyed out, restricting acces to engineering options, regadless if its from pinned blueprints or directly at engineers bases. But if at same session, if said module will be stored and placed again, engineering options will be not greyed out, and thats why its possible to add experimentals. Of course after putting experimental, display bug remains that shows G1, but stats remain intact (this is where risk comes, as for those who dont know about it g1 display bug, if they dont checked stats, they might try enginner it from g1 at confusion, causing to lose dual enginner effect).

Re-logging will fix it, and it will show correctly as G5. I dont think there will be "risk" from not listening "kind" request from Fdevs, even if there will be any problem later due of that, I guess I will simply ticket it to support, and have them manually fix FSD's stats back if something would change. But I dont think there will be any need for it.

It seems that not just FSD's, but any other pre-engineered module, if its greyed-out to acces, it can be simply bypassed by storing and installing again (no need to relog, it will work).

For how long it will be like this, we shall see.
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Let me start by saying that I have a lot of ships. What’s more, I “double dipped” the event that gave us the size 3, 4, and 6 drives. They took so long to show up and I was working on other ships, I had so much going on in my module storage that I noticed not long ago that at some point I put mass management on the size 6 and extra fuel draw on the smaller ones. No idea how other than that I just threw them in a ship and put on an experimental not realizing they were the goal drives.
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