Road to Odyssey: Lead Designer Q&A - Notes

Sounds and looks promising. One of my concerns with each suit and weapon being vastly different then the other is how you equip them. Having to abort gameplay because of restrictions with the types of guns and suits will get very annoying. It seems good in theory(restrictions) but not so good in a gameplay fun way. Eg. Flying all the way across the galaxy to your objective, then realise you forgot your sniper, doh.
Hopefully they are located in your ship. Cause if realism is still a thing, holding two guns on you should be absolutely possible and shouldn't be a feature thats exclusive to the suit.
P.S. I'm pimping this thread in my Best of Forum and also around various discords. I really couldn't take everything in yesterday and when I read this I didn't remember him saying half of it so it was a real eye opener.
Sounds and looks promising. One of my concerns with each suit and weapon being vastly different then the other is how you equip them. Having to abort gameplay because of restrictions with the types of guns and suits will get very annoying. It seems good in theory(restrictions) but not so good in a gameplay fun way. Eg. Flying all the way across the galaxy to your objective, then realise you forgot your sniper, doh.
Hopefully they are located in your ship. Cause if realism is still a thing, holding two guns on you should be absolutely possible and shouldn't be a feature thats exclusive to the suit.

Yeah I'm guessing suit swaps will happen in ship. You can enter the Holo-Me viewer there so makes sense. And that could work out as a system. (Trek too far from your ship in a non-survival suit? Opps, that was dumb... Get caught in an ambush while scavenging? Lets hope that one gun can get you back to safety etc...)

I'm sure they can explain away the dual weapon thing in lore terms. (It seems the scavenging suit comes with the arc welder, and the explo one comes with the bio-scanner. So that's what's taking up the other weapon slot etc).

Whether it works out on balance guess we'll see. (Certainly there will be some pubbie-stomping by those rocking full aggro gear. But it does sound like you'll at least have the one weapon + some grenades to fight your way to safety in the other defaults. And in theory there's a degree of pips control over shields / oxygen / wep balancing etc. So I guess you can always balance for shields + jet-packs and go mobile/defensive?)
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I suppose FD are typing to stop the 'one suit does it all' like what happens with ships- everything has defined roles and you can't then make one suit redundant because another has become the 'one'.
Well, if RDR2 can have two long weapons and two small arms and thats based on realism in the early 1900s. You would think in the 3300s it would at least have something similar. Restricting realistic content for the sake of creating a deliberate narrative is poor game design IMHO.
Well, if RDR2 can have two long weapons and two small arms and thats based on realism in the early 1900s. You would think in the 3300s it would at least have something similar. Restricting realistic content for the sake of creating a deliberate narrative is poor game design IMHO.
I don't think has to do with narrative, more like class-based gameplay. Though I'd love the non-combat suits to at least get a handgun slot.
Though I'd love the non-combat suits to at least get a handgun slot.

Yeah that would be a workable, a main and a handgun.

You can see handguns on the right hip in some shots


Guess the question is just if all suits have em.
Thanks for the write up, this is looking and sound pretty awesome so far.
I used to be all like "I don't need FPS in my space shippy flying game!11". After replaying the Farcry series and the gazillion hours of in the Fallout series, one realizes there is always a need to shoot people in the face from time to time so why not have it both in one game. As long as I don't end up a dang sneak archer in Odyssey I should be ok with it all.
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