Salvage Missions

For a slight variation in missions how about Salvage Missions with essentially combine Hunt Pirate and Haulage missions.

Starts off with something like Pirates stole our cargo in System X and we want it back. So you go to System X, shoot at pirates until they drop said cargo and then scoop it up and take it back. Cargo (up to the amount specified) is marked as <Salvaged> and acts pretty much the same as <Haulage> i.e. you cant sell it.

As well as offering a little variety, it gives those who want to play exclusively legit an opportunity to use their cargo scoop.

Not a big change I know but fairly simple to implement I would think given it uses mostly existing mechanics.
As an added twist, you could choose to return the goods or sell them to an interested buyer who contacts you either before or after you get the cargo.
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