Here's a few of the relevant lines from the code
Dim starti As Integer = My.Settings.logpath.IndexOf("Products", 1)
Dim launchPath As String = Left(My.Settings.logpath, starti) & "EDLaunch.exe"
So, what I do is to take the path specified for the logs, take away anything from the start of 'Products' and add the EDLaunch.exe on. Then run that full path to the .exe
This bit hasn't changed in the last version and I thought this was working ok for you before John? Can you confirm what the SSC log is saying is happening?
Hi John,,
the real problem is that SSchanger does not start the ED launcher , and when I go to setting it is a default meaning I have to do the path again and checked the option what I want and then pressed start button,and SSchanger can make a screenshoot and converted to png, not sure If I am the only one who has this issue.
here is the log, after I change the setting.
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - Detected that Elite: Dangerous 64bit is running.
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - Ready to start
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - Auto Enabling.
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - Watching for new images at C:\Users\John Prepare3D\Pictures\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - Logfile: D:\Frontier\EDLaunch\Products\elite-dangerous-64\Logs\netLog.160203152458.01.log
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - No system found in logfile. Is Verbose logging enabled? Have a look in Help.
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - No system found so not minimizing.
2/3/2016 3:43:33 PM - ED Launcher is already running