Found this strange cloud while in the SYNUEFAI CU-Z B33-1 system. Looked at the galaxy map, wasn't able to find it. Any ideas?
Strange Nebula.png
Nice but... What, how?! :)
It is the shutdown field, fired off by Thargoids just after hyperdiction while tumbling back into normal space. It’s this that completely disables your ships systems before they approach and scan you. The visual effect is over very quickly.
I thought it looked very impressionist in a ‘Van Gogh’ kind of way 😃



7,000lys, honk, honk, FSS scan, honk, FSS, map, honk honk FSS
Why did this happen?

1. Getting space madness?
2. Hallucinating from eating way too much cheetos and beer? 🤣😝😜
3. Having Teletubby flash-backs? (I sat and watched a lot with my lil girl. Hey, it was cute.)
4. Need talk to my Dr about upping those meds again? 😁🤣
5. Need to take a break from the game?
6. All of the above!
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