Notice September Update - Known Issues

Will Flanagan

Hello Commanders,

We wanted to give you a quick overview of some of the current known issues pertaining to the September Update. Please note that this isn’t an exhaustive list and may be updated over time.

As always, any issues and bugs you encounter should be reported via the Issue Tracker with as many details provided as possible.

We are currently investigating the following:
Next steps:

We are investigating the issues above and hope to have a number of these fixed as soon as possible. We’ll keep this thread updated when more information is available.

Thank you for your understanding and continued patience!
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I tried the new tutorial, that seems to be working fine. Had no problems... and I liked it a lot. Just wanted to share something positive in all this mayhem. :)


Oh, and getting a free paintjob for the sidey was a nice touch as well.
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Don't forget:
  • fighter lag not fixed
  • arx limit can be bypassed
  • can't adjust pips in training
  • if you turn off docking computer at the start of the training sim, you can't undock even after turning it back on.
  • power priorities getting reset
  • wing beacon text is offset and unreadable
  • can't see the ship while under it in SRV
  • falling through the floor of cockpits in VR every time trying to access the Store
  • random recipes appearing on modules
  • codex is empty
  • massive rubber banding when someone enters an instance
You should ask about sleeves!
I just might.

We are investigating the issues above and hope to have a number of these fixed, as soon as possible. We’ll keep this thread updated when more information is available.

Is this a case of buy one and get the other or are sleeves really being sold separate from a coat? It just seems very odd.

Thanks for the Known Issues post - definitely need!

It comes to something when the new features list for the update is:
  • New Starter Experience - Good, works nicely.
  • Updated the throttle UI - nice
  • Supercruise: 'Safe to Disengage' message has been updated to include the binding that will disengage Supercruise - which no one seems to like
  • ARX - store not live for PC still!
  • Livery Update - Fail - doesn't show all items and sometimes all icons fail to appear I get no Livery options at all!
  • New Store - Doesn't help since we can't buy Arx and it's missing items.
But the list of known issues after less than 24 hours is a much longer list!
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I am aware that devs are working hard on this. Thanks for an overall great game that
  • Finally scratches my space-faring itch with a decent level of immersion
  • Real, engaging options (as opposed to being limited to, say, dogfighting in a smallish skybox or what feels like going on a field trip in a glorified planetarium).
  • Realistic yet gorgeous interactive environment.
  • Many other great points.
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