Single (LTD) Hotspots Worth My Time?

yeah i ran across a few pilots the last couple of days. Had a quick convo with someone sunday at dove enigma.

Thanks very much & yes, Colonia is a nice place, I'm based there full time. Flew up in the Cutter, now mining my way to the 575m cr (!) I need to ship my Corvette up from the Bubble. I have only met friendly pilots at Colonia so far.

Ltd has now dropped everywhere. You'll be hard pushed to get 1 Mill per ton. It's actually more efficient and faster cred per ton to go for painite.
My point is you can fill up with painite in a third of the time, make a few jumps and offload it at about 600k. As you can do this at twice the speed, you can move your creeds per hour up even though arguably doing more work.
My point is you can fill up with painite in a third of the time, make a few jumps and offload it at about 600k. As you can do this at twice the speed, you can move your creeds per hour up even though arguably doing more work.
Except you can not Because High painite prices Have Very little demand at sale location And that triggers the Bulk sale tax fees which cripples painite prices even more when arriving with 256 tons of cargo...
Perry Station LHS 449 799,818 1 L 17 mins
Seyfert Installation Findja 550,087 128 M 3 days
Ferguson Landing Minmar 545,053 22 M 2 days
Hughes Enterprise Kunti 524,084 1,046 L 3 mins
Syromyatnikov Terminal Kunti 524,084 901 M 39 mins
Horrocks Terminal Findja 492,240 75 M 3 days
Bose Landing GD 319 463,839 19 M 17 hours
Watson Horizons Colanja 462,226 85 M 6 days
Fujimori Landing Djanharu 445,464 53 M 15 hours
Quimper Dock Phanes 444,273 378 M 6 hours
Song Plant Ross 446 442,715 0
Demand is peanuts for painite

LTD regulary has Sale locations that have ZERO bulk sales tax applied to 256 ton units because demand is still so high, Painite high price sale location demand continues to be low, not even reaching 1000 tons of demand at the daily cycle at the locations which will force a 25% trigger ta fee, this then has an extremely high bulk sales tax price reduction...
The sale price at the location is effected by the percentage of the demand you supply and when you bring in 256 tons and demand is only 100 tons thats over 200% of demand so the Price crashes at that sale from the bulk sales tax...
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Ehh what’s that about fewer asteroids for consoles???
Cobra render engine can't render content to the same level on the Single GPU family on consoles as PC...

So the cobra engine REMOVES assets to stop the engine crapping out because its still garbage even on xbox one X port, so even with paying more for the X the cobra engine still sucks... So when the engine has to render a Massive ring it can not be cause its still to much work.
So the Engine removes asset from the ring and the only assets in the ring are Rocks so to stop the cobra engine completely crapping its pants the setting for it requires rocks not be rendered that would be rendered on the PC version...
So PC has say 50 rocks around the ship, on console it only renders 25 so on console you just lost half the rocks to mine... This means you can't use PC mapped routes as 50% o the rocks will never show up..

This will make crossplay Impossible as console players will be flying through 50% of the rocks as they are never rendered on the console version it would also mean PC users can fire prospectors into rocks that will never show on consoles Ever in the game...
RE: Pristine vs Major vs. Common Reserves -- in my experience there is little noticeable difference in yield among these three types of system, but avoid Low and Depleted. I have found that of more importance to tons/hour is the density of the ring/ringlet you are mining. Once you drop into the ring, if the rocks are widely separated, you'll take longer to find and mine the rich lodes than if the ring is dense and crowded with rocks. Dense rings/ringlets are more fun as well, as flying requires more attention and spotting the cores is trickier as they "hide" more effectively.

As you approach a ring in SC select one of the more solidly colored ringlets to drop into, they are usually more dense than the others. Rock density can change as you cross over from one ringlet to another (hard to notice "boundaries" when you're in among the rocks) so I drop into ringlets that are both solidly colored and relatively broad, then don't deviate widely from a path that lies along the length of the chosen ringlet. You can use the hotspot center as your "guide star" to keep close to a chosen path.
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