Sinister Mining Market ~ Fleet Carrier

Sinister Mining Market is now open for business at the system "RAS ELASED BOREALIS" planet 9 , my ship offers the following services and features for the hard working miner!

All facilities except black market, and NO notoriety players allowed to dock!


Current Purchase or sell prices - Updated (13/03/2021)

Gold - 60,087 per ton
Osmium - 250,380 CR per ton
Palladium - 63,087 CR per ton
Platinum - 264,047 CR per ton
Bromellite - 250,922 CR per ton
Painite - 250,085 CR per ton

System Features -

Platinum hot spot in a metallic ring


Recommendations to miners -

I recommend enough limpet collector control modules to run 6-8 collection limpets at the same time for fast collection. 3+ medium mining laser for quickly blasting each rock for all it's platinum/osmium. With my optimized cutter I can do full loads of platinum/osmium at this site using only laser, abrasion and sub-surface mining in about 1-2 hours. Each loads gets me 100mill to 125mill worth of metals/minerals at my FC, if selling else where it takes more travel time, but I can squeeze another 5-10mill profit per load.
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Tried the spot out myself and I can pull a lot of LTD very quickly!

Known issues:

1 - Cargo rack modules: I can only either have really big, medium, or small. Unfortunately it will not allow me to purchase a mix, so I'd like to ask what the people using the FC service would like?

2 - Still no update or news about allowing FC to buy and sell at the same time on the same commodity.

3 - Still no update or new about allowing purchases higher than 1000% GA, so please use the links above to find best sell spots for LTD and void opals, you can usually find a spot buying for 1.6mill per ton, and while I appreciate the endorsement for the folks that have sold them to my FC cheap, I'd recommend any player needing the credits to go for best sell!

4 - Open to recommendations or requests if anyone would like the service moved, or new modules offered let me know!
wooooo update for the purchase price of LTD and void opals is in!!! Prices have been adjusted to honor my promise of 90% of best buy!
New spot found!

Double void opal hot spot with a really nice overlap of the centers of the hotspots!

removed all modules for sale in favor of more purchase orders for icey ring materials.
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apologies to any who missed my market during the alliance CG. During the CG I made a significant profit with my FC, and I intend to pass on the profits to my regular customers! I'll be increasing rates on my purchased goods and extending my purchase orders to include some valuable metals like painite for a limited time!

Question for my patrons - Would you prefer I relocate the FC to a painite hot spot or keep it at the double void opal?
sorry guys I need to temporarily close the mining shop till the markets stabilize and I can design a mutually beneficial pricing scheme based on the new economy balancing.
Markets have stabilized and it seems they will stay this way for a bit, so I have relocated, re-researched the best mining methods for profit/hour with the new markets.

As always suggestions and requests are welcome!
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