SO TIRED of trying to find Pharmaceutical Isolators & Military SuperCaps

I dunno. I even had diffculties getting enough basic materials to get the ball rolling in 2.1. It's just the ridiculous range you need for anything from the overbloated table of ingredients.
I dunno. I even had diffculties getting enough basic materials to get the ball rolling in 2.1. It's just the ridiculous range you need for anything from the overbloated table of ingredients.

Didn't you quit over engineers V1 though ?.

They changed it to get rid of the potential for constant rerolling with V2, its much easier now and then you hit a cap. It was only hard back then if you insisted on inflicting it on yourself, I always just went with best of three.
About 1.5 years ago I played Divinity Original Sin 2. It's quite a good game. Really liked the somewhat fresh take on combat. It's turn based (in combat) RPG with good mechanics. Some skills, XP, abilities to learn and pick up.

And an bloody inventory to manage. It's a bajillion of items in the game. I guess it's nice and allows augmenting your playstyle. However, the bloat is real in games. Some games even just throw junk at players to sell and clog the inventory.
DoS2 suffers from a quite lengthy campaign, too. And you get to gear up regularly all the characters. It's just too much. I love playing XCOM2 for example. I know there is gear to advance through and good. But I don't need 1000 items with 16468 ways to possibly combine them and maybe find a recipe that I can use.

For some Griffin armour that is outclassed next map anyway by random loot. It's getting out of hand in many games and I'm just tired of microing bloody inventory slots. For some bloody character in a space game that doesn't know whether it's human or a ship.
No idea, I never ground at it in the earlier version and I just chuck all the plentiful stuff at the traders now if I need a few specifics. They did triple the mat drop rate at some point which really made things easy.

More like tried to fix a bad design decision with a poor one, albeit slightly better.
More like tried to fix a bad design decision with a poor one, albeit slightly better.

I liked V1 since I got all the benefits and no downsides through never grinding at it, V2 is more convenient and has an easy to reach hard cap so its much better balanced. I can also switch experimentals whenever I feel like it now which is another huge bonus. Nothing to dislike from my perspective.

Nobodies forcing you to do the optional thing either way.
Go roam some high population systems in Imperial Space.
You will top up Imperial shielding in less than a hour. As a bonus you will pick up some Proto Heat Radiators / Proto Radiolic Alloys.

Alternatively, use Inara, set your location in Cubeo then search for factions in Outbreak - there are 10-12 systems within a 40ly radius.
Roaming only those systems will get you some HGE, some of them maybe with Pharma Iso - if not you will top up on Imperial Shielding.
For example:
Lambda-1 Tucanae - it has one faction in Outbreak and 8+ billions population. Nice place to start
Ehlanda is madness - it has factions in outbreak, boom and war
Ejagarifuna also madness - it has factions in boom, outbreak and civil unrest. Granted it's low population, but who knows you might get lucky
Ix Chowagit - has factions in civil war and outbreak, 1.8bn population
and so on
This is true. I do wish I had that much time to waste...

Takes about fifteen minutes to G5 a ship if you gather as you go. Experimentals a little longer, but you do it with an engineered FSD so its only a couple of hours for that and to max out anything left over.

Hardly a lot of time.
Takes about fifteen minutes to G5 a ship if you gather as you go.

Provided you're an experienced CMDR with a full inventory of materials, all engineers fully unlocked and ranked, and all blueprints pinned, yes, I'll grant you that the physical pointing-and-clicking to G5 your ship can be done in 15 minutes. Somehow I don't think that's the point.
Provided you're an experienced CMDR with a full inventory of materials, all engineers fully unlocked and ranked, and all blueprints pinned, yes, I'll grant you that the physical pointing-and-clicking to G5 your ship can be done in 15 minutes. Somehow I don't think that's the point.

Not doing it all in one go is my point.

I bimbled and pootled my way to most of the unlocks over about two years. Haven't done any in colonia and still have a couple left to do in the bubble IIRC. No grind no salt just fun. No need for any full bins either thanks to the traders.

If you go at it to unlock them all and then G5 an entire fleet in one go you'll just end up burning out through self inflicted boredom. My way is much better.

Having fun is the whole point.
Not doing it all in one go is my point.

I bimbled and pootled my way to most of the unlocks over about two years. Haven't done any in colonia and still have a couple left to do in the bubble IIRC. No grind no salt just fun. No need for any full bins either thanks to the traders.
And that's the big, fat issue IMO.

There's this false-narrative out there that players "... can't play the game until I get an A-Rate, G5-everything Anaconda, and my mat bins must be full all the time."

It's the biggest pile of biowaste out there. A vanilla vulture can get you through a high-intensity CZ. A T6 can get you through any (non-wing[1]) cargo hauling mission you want, and literally any ship can do:
  • Courier missions
  • Surface Scan missions
  • Salvage missions
  • Mining
  • Exploration
  • Guardian Ruins
  • Source missions
  • God... might as well list virtually everything here except some wing missions

Hell, with enough skill people are taking out Thargoid Medusas in an Eagle[2]. Of course that's a pretty extreme example but nonetheless... there's a lot you can do with basic ships and basic fits.

Of course, if someone wants to beeline for an anaconda and ignore everything in between, that's fine, but it's the equivalent of playing, say, Fortnite, and ignoring every weapon in the game until you find a specific, gold-tier weapon, and complaining that "It's such a grind to find weapons!". You set that task, not the game, and there's plenty you can be doing in between, and if you ignore it, fair, your choice, but not the game's fault when it feels like a massive grindfest. I've even inadvertently done this myself; a game has felt like there's a massive bridge between two stages of progression and felt like "such a grind", but it's because I've missed or accidentally ignored an intermediate progression step.

As is the case in the OP, where they want a PvE[3] FDL and have set themselves an enormous shopping list before commencing that activity. A vanilla FDL is perfectly servicable for all manner of PvE, and there's no reason the mat collection "grind" can't come secondary to getting in that ship and having fun with the activity you want to do.

[1] Not quite true, you can do a wing mission with a T6... but like many things, I could also beat my head against a wall for a while and have more fun than hauling 10,000t of water. Thing is, even an A-Rate G5 Conda/vette/cutter won't fix that.
[2] not entirely a good example either, since the pilot is very skilled, and has unlocked guardian weapons and probably done engineering to the eagle, but nonetheless.
[3] I've had counter-arguments that the mat grind is essential for PvP. I don't disagree with the idea in concept, but generally something doesn't sit right with me about it. But in this case, it's for PvE.
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As predicted, you are getting alot to sychophant and sockpuppet pushback. But you nicely illustrate the problem with this post in response to your critics. Its not that it is impossible, and there are excellent ideas from others of how to make incremental progress. It is rather that the lack of balance necessitates mindless grinding and wastes our time. Frontier has done better in other regards (e.g. core mining mechanics) and can do better in this respect.
Right, pointing out that he’s being lazy is sychophantic. 😂
Go roam some high population systems in Imperial Space.
You will top up Imperial shielding in less than a hour. As a bonus you will pick up some Proto Heat Radiators / Proto Radiolic Alloys.

Alternatively, use Inara, set your location in Cubeo then search for factions in Outbreak - there are 10-12 systems within a 40ly radius.
Roaming only those systems will get you some HGE, some of them maybe with Pharma Iso - if not you will top up on Imperial Shielding.
For example:
Lambda-1 Tucanae - it has one faction in Outbreak and 8+ billions population. Nice place to start
Ehlanda is madness - it has factions in outbreak, boom and war
Ejagarifuna also madness - it has factions in boom, outbreak and civil unrest. Granted it's low population, but who knows you might get lucky
Ix Chowagit - has factions in civil war and outbreak, 1.8bn population
and so on

In theory. In reality you have to deal with RNGsus. For example, yesterday I spent two hours checking out Outbreak systems. Not a single one had any HGE signal sources.

When playing Elite you absolutely MUST NOT have any goal whatsoever. :p

Just fly around and see what happens, otherwise you're playing the game wrong.
In theory. In reality you have to deal with RNGsus. For example, yesterday I spent two hours checking out Outbreak systems. Not a single one had any HGE signal sources.

When playing Elite you absolutely MUST NOT have any goal whatsoever. :p

Just fly around and see what happens, otherwise you're playing the game wrong.

Just trade for them, only takes a few minutes.
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