Some questions regarding monorails?

Hello all,

I hope your day is going fine. Mine is okay, but I am having some problems with the monorail system in game. Maybe you guys can help me out?. Here are my questions

1. What does the game consider a "complete station" for monorails?. The reason I ask is because I can not seem to get my station open. I have placed a exit, a entrance, and have both of those connected to paths. I do start test for it, let it do it's loop and then end test. This does however still not allow me to open the station and the station colored circle still does not go green?. What else have i missed do you think?.

2. Can we add multiple monorail stations to one monorail line?.
I ask because I tried this, but all I can do is complete the loop with the one station and that's it. When I try to edit the loop, by clicking on a piece of track, to add a another station(multiple stations on one line is my goal), it's grayed out. It reads "Can only be placed directly next to existing station of the same type". Please help me. I want to frame the entrance of my park with two stations(on the same line) both angled.

Thanks for anyone's help and time.
Not sure what you are doing to cause the first situation.
Yes you can place multiple stations, just select the station track pieces.
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