Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Forget to mention, but some Hot Gossip is that the Mission Refactor requires all of the missions to be remade. Which they don't have the resources to do. So they'll probably just go with refactoring common missions and dumping the more unique ones.

Well the mission refactor just dropped in 4.0...


And the missions do seem to be coming out piecemeal...

Known Issues
Tonight's build contains further mission inclusions as well as the updated Mission Service. Please let us know about any issues with missions in the issue council!

Tested Working
• Mercenary in Stanton
• Handyman in Pyro
• Bombing Run in Pyro
• Ship Heist in Pyro
• Bounty in Pyro
• Salvage in Pyro

Tested With Issues
• Courier in Pyro (doesn't exist in Stanton)
• Hauling in Pyro and Stanton
• Bounty in Stanton
• Missing Persons in Pyro

A pertinent question being asked on Spectrum.

Someone tries to defend with the old "they had to build the company first" rubbish and is shot down.

What is this revisionism?
Backer from 2012 here, so let me hand out some truth.

1) They planned to release SQ42 and Beta PU in 2014. How are they supposed to do that when they only had the methods to do so in 2016?

2) In 2014 they already had ~300 employees. As a comparison on X4, currently one of the best (if not the best) space games released, are working 20 employees.

3) The funding always eclipsed what was asked. The initial goal was $500k and they got it up to (IIRC) $6 million.
After that they added more stretch goals that went to up $65 million. But that didn't make the funding stop, which kept growing without new features being promised for it.
That was in 2014 btw.

4) They stated that they already started development 1 year prior to the kickstarter. It is 13 years actually.
Also, you don't start developing a game with 100 employees from the get go. What are the programmers and artists supposed to do while the style, setting, mechanics, etc. aren't even drafted?
First you have a core group that defines what the game is supposed to be. Imagine developing a tabletop game. You are not hiring a printing company until you know how the board is supposed to look like.

Please, stop spreading misinformation. You can easily check it by visiting the kickstarter and stretch goal page and reading up on the "letters of the chairman".
They contain classics like "increased funding will speed up development time". Always worth a chuckle.
Ah, and one of the whitest of white knights responds with:

Everything else you've said is kinda defunct based on your premise that SC is somehow a "space combat game", which it isn't...combat is only a small part of the possible gameplay intended for it. The actual game they're making is a life sim MMO in a scifi universe, with future gameplay possibilities/careers for ALL types of gamers. So no, ships nor combat are supposed to be the main focus...non-combative gameplay will compose of the majority of content, and while some non-combative gameplay is "adjacent" to combat, a lot of it won't (like....mining has no connection to combat at all).

I think a lot of those such as yourself get too hung up on ships because it's their funding model, but ships aren't really the focus of the game, they're merely meant to facilitate gameplay as tools...nothing more, nothing less.

🤣 🤣 🤣

The mental gymnastics these guys perform is amazing.
Another fun one:

he had one thing to tell me ..... " i have no time to waste on such an **** game "

A response:

This project is not yet a game. It is a ways off yet from being something you try and talk friends into buying.

Hmm... what does it say on all CIG's marketing? "PLAYABLE NOW!"
Either way, here's some more on that issue:

sc-testing-chat | Wakapedia-CIG: We're tracking down what we believe is a major cause of performance and interaction delays. Right now it appears that many RASTAR locations in Pyro (outposts, ect..) are streaming to all clients randomly and very frequently when someone is near them, regardless of distance in the system, which causes quite a few issues as you could imagine. Hoping to have a fix early next week once we get more data from the weekend! Not looking to soulcrush today, we'll get a new build today with many more updates and stability but that issue will still be a thing until next week 🙂

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