Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Hey! We hadn't had a chance to vote on the sub-title name for the thread!

Come on guys, what do you want to call it?

1) Star Citizen: Development by Surprise!
2) Star Citizen: Hotel California
3) Star Citizen: Store Citisn't
4) Star Citizen: Once the pipelines are complete the content spigot will open
5) Star Citizen: Card removed from roadmap
6) Star Citizen: Mole pretends he is a mole in a Mole
7) Star Citizen: You can't criticize alpha!
8) Star Citizen: They also fixed a jitter offset computation error with unified raymarching so that it works in harmony with the guided filter denoiser, and added transmittance-weighted depth-computation, which controls the width of the denoise kernel tin guided filtering and raymarching up-sampling results

At the risk of sounding boring, I think the current name is just fine. That people make jokes about the game in the thread is one thing, making the thread title equate the game to a joke is another and imho uncalled for.
At the risk of sounding boring, I think the current name is just fine. That people make jokes about the game in the thread is one thing, making the thread title equate the game to a joke is another and imho uncalled for.
Not at all boring. Make it openly a critic title and some lulzy contributor might think "Meh - is full of haters - not gonna post in there." And we wouldnt want that.
You know, we made that observation quite a few times.

Interest fades and even this thread becomes pretty slow because nothing ever changes. But you can bet money on the next fanatic, fanboy or hate basher who wants to gloat or create another fairy tale so whenever things calm down we have the next joker coming in to drive the page count up ^^

Otherwise we would have activity every 3 or 4 know....when something actually happens in Star Citizen. I guess if people simply stopped posting this threadnaught would drop to the back pages quickly. Whos gonna start tho?

Occasionally CIG does something totally hilarious though which also causes the thread to flair up.
At the risk of sounding boring, I think the current name is just fine. That people make jokes about the game in the thread is one thing, making the thread title equate the game to a joke is another and imho uncalled for.

I don't disagree. Mods putting a name like that would reflect badly on FD.

But we as posters can have a chuckle about it.
Anyone want to guess what thread number we'll get to before SC and/or Sqn42 are released and reviewed?
We'll never know because the forum software will crash attempting to create the ten thousand and oneth thread of ten thousand posts.
Seriously folks <WRY SMILE, RAISE EYEBROW IF BOTOX ALLOWS> I never thought we'd get to season 12.... ...but HERE WE ARE! <BIG SMILE, ARMS OUTSTRETCHED TO AUDIENCE>


I'd like to thank first and foremost the staff-writers and the production crew, without who's amazing work we would have, literally, nothing to work with. <NOD EARNESTLY> And of course I'd like to say a big thank you, to our amazing loyal fans <AIM FOR HUMBLE SINCERITY> without whom this would all be for naught - thank [EMPHASIS] YOU ALL... <PAUSE> [EMPHASIS] SO MUCH for your amazing support through... <PAUSE FOR EFFECT> ...oh my gosh has it really been ten years already!! <APPLAUSE SIGN LIGHTS> Yeh! YEAH!! <WAIT FOR APPLAUSE TO STOP> Wow, amazing, what a ride, what... a... ride... YEAH!?

NOTE: Key words to use: Amazing, Loyal, Idris, Buy, Ship-sale, Exciting, Open, Not a scam.
We should probably revisit the "Yeah! Woo!" followed by the "Let's do it!" entourage from urm, eons ago.

Or was it "Just do it!" - I honestly cannot be backsided to remember or reference.
Welcome to the V12 FOLKS!!!!
Shame that "Ben Lesnick, Developer" never managed to throw that switch to turn on VR support. Maybe he can lend it to Frontier.

...or was it a button? It's been so long these incredibly technical development details escape me.

So here's to another 10,000 posts! And may we never forget or forgive the sacrifices of those like Ben that came before us so that we may crack semi-jokes from our isolation chambers.
I just want to know if they finally have the pipelines setup to speed up content creation. A lot of imaginary money is riding on this.
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