Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Totally normal healthy relationships there. For sure, if you want a happy life to play Star Citizen, hide your ship purchases from the wife, or better still, don't be married!
To be fair I am lucky in that my wife does not care what i spend my cash on so long as all bills are covered and we have rainy day money............... but it isnt a new or rare phenomenon for people to hide their purchases from their other halves....
(painting with a wide brush but for instance wives with handbags costing £100s when you can get a rucksack for under a 10er, or shoes is another one I know esp my ex used to spend stupid amounts on).

Thinngs i spend what my wife would consider to be insane amounts on would be my gaming gpu (an rtx 3090) or my multiple VR headsets - I only have 1 head why would i possibly need 2 headsets! (I argue the same about handbags and shoes)

like i said i am lucky, my wife does not bother, she just thinks i am an idiot, but I think it is quite common to go the path of least resistance and jsut keep it quiet - and this is fine imo so long as it is disposable cash.


Volunteer Moderator
But 15k over less than 500k is a wave my dear. I never talked about a tsunami...
What if the number is much higher than 500K by choosing players that connect within 3 months instead of just 1?

A range of 3K to 15K refugees over a full year is still pretty tiny and ridiculous either way, weather you want to display that in a % figure (of a vague/arbitrary number) or not. Especially when FDEV may be selling more base game units than that in a month. And even more meaningless when you look at the evolution of the alleged new Citizen account creation counter over a full year.
As I thought you'll not correct your formula because the result don't please you. So I will correct it for you :

(1 ED player / 15 hours played (instead of 10 to please you)) x 168 hours a week = 11.2 ED players found a week.

11.2 x 1.1 (lets say 10% of ED player don't chat and I miss them, but it's a lot more) = 12.3 player a week

56 x 60 x 12.3 = 41 328
41 328 / 500,000 = 8% on active players

Surely these equations need irrational and imaginary numbers. I'll give you e^iπ for effort though. :)
like i said i am lucky, my wife does not bother, she just thinks i am an idiot, but I think it is quite common to go the path of least resistance and jsut keep it quiet - and this is fine imo so long as it is disposable cash.

Yeah, my wife is a bit like yours. She doesn't understand why i need a HOTAS and steering wheel and pedals to fly a spaceship, but as long as the family has spare money its ok. I usually save such purchases though for my birthday and christmas, just to avoid ruffling feathers.
Hey Ant, SC's Metacritic rating is down to 3.9/10


Do something useful and go give it 10/10 eh? ;)
Yeah, my wife is a bit like yours. She doesn't understand why i need a HOTAS and steering wheel and pedals to fly a spaceship, but as long as the family has spare money its ok. I usually save such purchases though for my birthday and christmas, just to avoid ruffling feathers.
I don't understand - how can your wife not want you to have an hot butt?


Volunteer Moderator
For sure. But why limiting you to 3 months ? "Since forever" is better as you can just use 12 millions accounts.
Why indeed. Forever is perfectly acceptable as well, that is just what Stuart did. He based the calculation in a completely absolute number beyond any doubts. Simple.

Conversely we could also use an active player figure based on logins during just 1 hour (not even a month... hey what about a second!), and then you would probably have a refugee % of more than 100%, suggesting that people playing, say, Tarkov are buying into SC in spite for a game they have never played, the darned illegitimate sons! 😋

In my case, and as a nod to you, I used the 2021 Liberum figure (based on log ins within a month) because it was the one available at the peak of the concurrency and activity at the time of EDO launch, which was also the time we had arbitrary selected to also start counting refugees too. Now, let´s look at it from precisely the opposite way, your way: If you want to use a 2022 active players figure, which will be presumably smaller then we also need to cut short the period for counting refugees to 4 or 5 months only within 2022 instead of the full 12 months.

As you can see, those % are largely irrelevant. Bottom line still is that a range of 3K to 15K refugees over a full year is still pretty tiny and ridiculous either way, weather you want to display that in a % figure (of a vague/arbitrary number) or not. Especially when FDEV may be selling more base game units than that in a month. And even more meaningless when you look at the evolution of the alleged new Citizen account creation counter over a full year.
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Ach, der Angriff Steiner (Wave of Refugees) bringt das alles wieder in Ordnung.

German review was best review...

translation said:
It's nice to look at, but not edible at this point in time.
You can practically not complete a mission from start to finish without stumbling over at least 2-3 bugs, some of which are game-breaking.
The idea is very good, but we will definitely need another 5 years, if not more, until we have the finished product.
Until there is a releasable product... perhaps. It won't be the finished product. That would take decades.
indeed. i am not bothered about it being finished... I am just waiting on / hoping for a stable functional release with some fleshed out gameloops and (v importantly) permanent persistence of my character. Once that happens i will get stuck into it, even if all the planets / systems are not in the game yet.

If we start withdrawing some of the other "generous" assumptions I also took in my initial estimate then we would also need to:
  • Asume a lower number than your 1 per week, since you are likely to exaggerate that in the same why you underplayed the 10 hours. Let´s say, 0.5 instead of a round 1.
  • Remove the assumption that all players you found are different people. Let´s say you met several times at least 20% of the ones you encountered.

The calculation now goes: 0.5 x 11.2 x 1.1 x 56 x 60 x 0.8 = 16,558

So what we are talking here is an estimated range between 3K and 15K as a "refugee wave". Heck, let´s even make that 20K. And all that over a frikking full year. Let that sink in. Judging by base game review numbers in Steam, FDEV probably sells that in base game units in less than a month.

We are still very much in the "a few thousands" order of magnitude level man. At worst. Over 500K active and 12 million units sold.


There is no "wave" here. Especially not over a full year. Just wishful thinking and SC fan confirmation bias.
Given the active SC playerbase 3k more players would be a tsunami. It's not as if SC is a runaway success with millions of players crowding the servers.
Given the active SC playerbase 3k more players would be a tsunami. It's not as if SC is a runaway success with millions of players crowding the servers.
However, and I believe ED sits around the 6K concurrent users, 3000 isn't so bad an audience. Niche game, non-Steam - it is pretty good for that. I wonder if FO76 ever made it that far.
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