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What I find interesting (in a way) is that this is not only accepted, it's applauded and marvelled at, and yet when Guy Henry played Tarkin in Rogue One, people flipped their tables at how unacceptable it was. There is only one difference really, Shatner is still alive. Nimoy isn't though, and yet no-one is criticising OTOY for having someone play Spock in these films. I'm not saying they should, I am saying Guy Henry and Rogue One didn't deserve the backlash they got.
What I find interesting (in a way) is that this is not only accepted, it's applauded and marvelled at, and yet when Guy Henry played Tarkin in Rogue One, people flipped their tables at how unacceptable it was. There is only one difference really, Shatner is still alive. Nimoy isn't though, and yet no-one is criticising OTOY for having someone play Spock in these films. I'm not saying they should, I am saying Guy Henry and Rogue One didn't deserve the backlash they got.

Well, Rogue One was a for-profit endeavour that they charged people to see, not just a marketing demo, and had a massive budget...yet still managed to look amateurishly 'uncanny valley', even for the time. I'm sure some people had objections about using the actor's likeness, but I suspect most had objections to doing it poorly while charging twelve bucks to see it.
Well, Rogue One was a for-profit endeavour that they charged people to see, not just a marketing demo, and had a massive budget...yet still managed to look amateurishly 'uncanny valley', even for the time. I'm sure some people had objections about using the actor's likeness, but I suspect most had objections to doing it poorly while charging twelve bucks to see it.
When I first saw Rogue One I could tell it was computer generated, but I didn't think it was that bad. I mean, if you want to talk badly done CG face, the worst I paid to see was The Rock in The Mummy Returns.


If you haven't seen it, no, that's not from a computer game, it's from the film.
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tbh, that must the first time it was ever done and in the 90s. And yeah it looked bad. The SWs ones look bad but in a different way. Tarkin looked waxy, Leia looked like a bobblehead.
This is a 2017 film with a three-hundred million dollar budget:

Now they didn't use that budget to resurrect dead actors for a quick money grab, but, if they, did you can be sure they would have looked like ass and there would have been backlash.

CGI isn't bad in and of itself I'm pretty well convinced that using CGI to de-age or bring back the likeness of passed actors would be broadly accepted if it was done with permission of the actors or estates involved and done tastefully. However, we know that's not how studios would use it. Afterall, we have high budget bobblehead Leahs flying through vacuums, frankenstache airbrush jobs, and wax sculptures come to life for multi-million dollar cameos.

That OTOY clip is almost a best case scenario, and not just from a technical perspective. However, they would have little creative control over what studios use their services for and even if they're doing the work, some producer would find a way to screw it up.
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Oh yeah Superman's Mustache. I had forgotten about that.

Briefly the story goes that they had finished filming Justice League and Henry Cavill went off to film Mission Impossible Fallout. Then Zak Snyder had a personal emergency and left the film after principal photography and Joss Whedon took over, but decided to rewrite the film and film new scenes, which then required actors to come back. Henry Cavill by this time had a big bushy mustache and was under contract to keep it.

Warner Bros asked Paramount if Cavill could shave the mustache and they said no. WB asked Paramount if Cavill shaved the mustace they'd pay for CGI to put the mustach back on Cavill in Mission Impossible Fallout and Paramount still said no. So Joss Whedon had no choice but to film Superman with a big bushy mustache and CGI it off .... which then went badly.
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