CMDR Manuel Shepherd
And with gentle precision, you can see light that shines through Evelyn's Memorial at Evelyn's Light (onto the cockpit), thus proving that the colors pierce through all and touch our hearts.
2021-05-16 01-34-00 Evelyn's Light-Evelyn's Light1.jpg
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Cmdr Der Duit, Krait MK II, Xbox, Delphi, NHSS Threat 4, engaging
Elite Dangerous 2021-05-16 22-14-13.jpg

After the show, 2.4 million Crs richer (this is the 11th scout or the remains of it)

Elite Dangerous 2021-05-16 22-10-43.jpg

Checking out the noncombatants (80%hull left at that T6).

Elite Dangerous 2021-05-16 22-08-43.jpg

Back to the Donar's Oak Rescue Ship (Mission giver)
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