Sub-forums for each available language ?

Sub-forums for each available language ?

  • Yes, good idea !

    Votes: 13 38.2%
  • No bad Idea !

    Votes: 21 61.8%

  • Total voters

That should be great to have some sub forums for each language available for the game. For example : French/German/Italian/Spanish users will go here and speak in their month tong language. That should bring the game/forum in a more international aspect. And bring more users :)

Elite: Dangerous - seulement en Français.
C'est ici que vous êtes libre de discuter de tout et de rien à propos de Elite: Dangerous. Attention, ceci n'est PAS un forum de discutions général donc ne dérivez pas du sujet.

Elite: Dangerous - soltanto in Italiano.
Questo spazio e dedicato al progetto Elite: Dangerous. Non e un forum generale. Attenersi all'argomento di discussione.

Elite: Dangerous - auf Deutsch.
Hier koennt Ihr ueber alles diskutieren, was mit Elite: Dangerous zu tun hat. Bitte beachtet, dass es sich hierbei um KEIN allgemeines Forum handelt. Bitte bleibt beim Thema Elite: Dangerous.

And on each sub forum, of course a moderator who understand that language.
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I think you got it with your last statement.

It's hard to find Moderators for some languages, and it takes time to build up a process of monitoring, review, issue resolution etc.

It's a noble idea to aspire to, but I would advise baby steps.
yes, step by step, but I think that one day, that will be necessary. (for example when the game will be localized).
Cela me paraît être une excellente idée.
Non pas que je n'aime pas l'anglais (que je comprends dans l'ensemble) mais m'exprimer en anglais m'est très difficile.
What I want is just bring some new users here. Lot of them don't speak the English language ... so, For me the best place is here and not an unwanted other forum on another website... Like a clan...
By a new sub-forum, I mean something like this :

So I don't understand why some people here vote "no"...

I don't know really why... Guys, OK, you speak English, the international language, clap clap clap ... Congratulation lucky guys! But, don't forget that your not alone... Lot of people don't speak English or are not fluent enough in English to be comfortable here on the English boards...

I do not see how the addition of four new sub-forum would disturbs...
I havn´t vote yet but i tend to NO.
You will need a mod for each language and it will segrate the community.
I have played several online games and hate it when people switch to their first language as soon there are more than 2 in chat.
So all non native speakers can train here until game release.

edit : voted no non nein
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Good idea I don't see any problem to have these sub forum. FD have to find moderators for each, that won't be too hard ...
Adding different language sections to forums is considered controversial and potentially problematic by many forum administrators.

One issue is moderating those sub-forums, but that should be solvable.
Another is splitting the community. This might seem trivial and unlikely, but I have seen it happen and it normally does not turn out very well in the end.
Yet another issue is when discussions start off in one language, but are carried over into a different language sub-forum. This will eventually lead to very different perceptions and misunderstandings. (You will have multi lingual members that have read both versions and you will have those who have read only one or the other version)

Having support forums for localised version of the game in different languages I fully support. Having general discussion forums in different languages and covering the same topics is something that requires some careful consideration in my view.

English is not my native language by the way.
I have chosen not to vote.
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I also don't understand why anybody would vote against foreigners who don't speak English being involved in a community?

Imagine if Frontier just happened to be based in, say, Spain, and your all-time favourite game came out of there. When you heard the new version was being released, wouldn't you want to talk with other people about it on the company forum? "Oh, you're not allowed to because you don't speak Spanish!" - really?

Let them start sub-forums if they want to. Everybody in our community is mature and level-headed, from what I've seen these last 3 months. Somebody will eventually step-up and volunteer to be a moderator, as I'm sure happened on this very forum. Why deny them?
I voted no for several reasons.

1.Its been said before, but the moderation of said forums would be pretty difficult. Our community just isn't very big.
2. I WOULD like to see subforums for languages, but honestly, until I see evidence that such things are really necessary, I don't see the point.

What I mean by that, is that I feel if we have a community that doesn't speak English, let them band together and request a subforum. Picking languages at random and hoping a community develops down there is silly. Whats going to happen is instead of a community developing, a native speaker of say.. French, is going to find nobody else in there and instead just go to the English forums, thus rendering the whole point moot.

TL;DR, I think we need evidence that those actual communities EXIST first before making a subforum. Elite isn't nearly as big outside the UK as people like to think it is. (I have never, in my entire life, met anyone else in the US who knows what Elite is IRL.)
English isnt my native nor Norwegian, but still i would not bother with other language forums than english,

localisation ingame i can agree with but not on a forum never liked that, you feel splitted around needing to read lots of aditional forums to get the news over.
This is a local site for local people, we will have no trouble here!:smilie:

just incase you dont know its a reference to a comedy joke:p



In forums in different languages? yes of course.

But we must also include in the game the instant translation of a conversation between two or more commanders of vessels in the national language of each commanders.

If you see a vessel and French or Italian who does not speak English, so difficult to play as a friend or foe.
Or ya'll could just drop your nationalistic stubbornness and read/write English like the rest of us have to... ;)
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