Suggestions after 100 hours

So I gave the game some time and there are a few suggestions I have. Disclaimer!! If there is something I am complaining about and you know how to do it, solve it or I am just clueless it is doable, let me know, please. UPDATED
  1. Animal list back to point zero - In market or zoo animals overview, every time you click on animal (for example when you want to check zoopedia or partner status or sell it) and then you go back, you go to full animal list. You know when I filter out elephants, I am doing research on elephants but always setting up filtres after every partner check, that is exhausting. SOLVED WITCH PATCH 27.11 - BUT!! Now I can't filter animals that I currently have in a zoo.
  2. Roads - can you turn off the automatic "glueing" to entrances? I love straight lines but whenever I do a new road ... snap ... and it is connected and not in a way I want. Also, possibility to upgrade road when it comes to width when possible would be great. Last but not least, the possibility to build blocks. Maybe the problem is me using it wrong but I would like to do a perfectly squared square for the food court and rest area but I can't. - Going to try the advice I got.
  3. Fight notification - I know this is important but for example, I have a big pack of wolves and the wolves fight all the time. They are happy and there are no injuries but they fight and instant notifications annoy me.
  4. Salary - okay I am not going to complain how the salaries are high but even when I set it up to the lowest, I still have super happy employees ... so I could still give them less money :)
  5. Habitat size - I would appreciate some better way how to plan habitat. I mean, for example seeing the square meters of land and water before putting the gate there. Most of the time my habitat is too big. Don't blame me, I am a girl so that explains something.
  6. More items editability at once - Another tiring thing for me is when I have to set up every info desk separately, every heater or cooler separately. Also replacing broken items you have to search and then replace one by one. Can't this be done in groups you pick?
  7. Areas - When you do a bunch of working areas and then you simply can't see what is in there because all the buildings are orange "belonging to some zone"
  8. Cloning - Placing things like lamps one by one is annoying as well. You know, pick from list and place, pick from a list and place. Can't the thing stay as picked? You know click**click click click click - look so many lamps of the same kind.
  9. You don't know your tree? I don't! - Most of the time I set up tree or bush I am surprised how big or small it is. Maybe giving it some size labels??
  10. Sleeping - The first thing that started bothering me in this game was shelter. Mainly that I can't ever get 100% on it. Why oh why isn't there some more information about shelter requirements for the animals. It is always like a guessing game. Do they want it underground, higher, lower, more covered ... what is wrong???
  11. Terrain - Since 27.11. Update, the terrain modification is really badly working.
That should do the trick for now.
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I could have made this list, because it's so something I would write, but number 6; Please remove the one with the worst genes. All animals hate to be beta. Give them that chance to be alpha one day and place them back when the old alpha is dead or released in the wild. They don't get older in storage, so you'll have a perfect spare for when things go south.
I could have made this list, because it's so something I would write, but number 6; Please remove the one with the worst genes. All animals hate to be beta. Give them that chance to be alpha one day and place them back when the old alpha is dead or released in the wild. They don't get older in storage, so you'll have a perfect spare for when things go south.
That actually didn't cross my mind. The thing is that in zoopedia (and nature :D) wolves form packs with numbers of males and females, some males are just born betas and lower. However, in this game, there is no way how to tell them apart. But I will try it, thanks.
Yes, you are right. Wolves live in packs, but the PZ wolves only live in pairs with their young. When the young are grown up, trade them in for conservation credits or release them in the wild. But I commend you for trying to keep them together.

Just give them the freedom they deserve :) Or keep the best in your storage as spare.
[...] and you know how to do it, solve it or I am just clueless it is doable, let me know, please. .
Okay, I'll give it a try ;)

Roads - can you turn off the automatic "glueing" to entrances? I love straight lines but whenever I do a new road ... snap ... and it is connected and not in a way I want. Also, possibility to upgrade road when it comes to width when possible would be great. Last but not least, the possibility to build blocks. Maybe the problem is me using it wrong but I would like to do a perfectly squared square for the food court and rest area but I can't.

Holding down the CTRL-key (STRG on german keyboards) disables to automatic snapping to existing paths / entrances, etc. When you want to place a sharp crossing to an existing paths, hold down Z key (Y). To create rectangular squares, you can enable the "Alin to Grid" option in the path creation menu.

I can highly recommend Silvarret's video tutorial on Smooth Paths & Plazas. It's a Planet Coaster tutorial, but it works the same way in Planet Zoo.

More items editability at once - Another tiring thing for me is when I have to set up every info desk separately, every heater or cooler separately. Also replacing broken items you have to search and then replace one by one. Can't this be done in groups you pick?
Education Boards, speakers, heaters, coolers, etc. can be copied with their current settings. For example, you can place a cooler and set the temperature to 10°C, then select the cooler and copy it with the button, or press CTRL + D to place another one with 10°C.

Cloning - Placing things like lamps one by one is annoying as well. You know, pick from list and place, pick from a list and place. Can't the thing stay as picked? You know click**click click click click - look so many lamps of the same kind.
Well, I have no idea why it's not really working for you, but that's how it is in the game - or should be. :unsure:
No matter what you want to place: walls, roofs, trees, rocks, lamps, benches, bins, signs - everything is selected until you deselect it.
  1. Habitat size - I would appreciate some better way how to plan habitat. I mean, for example seeing the square meters of land and water before putting the gate there.
You can see the land size before putting animals in it. Build your barriers AND an keepers' entrance. Click one time on a barrier, second tab gives you the land size (I don't remember if water, too). What's definitely missing is the size of climbable area.

I could add a couple of important things to your list, but it's a good compilation of important quality of life improvements.
You can see the land size before putting animals in it. Build your barriers AND an keepers' entrance. Click one time on a barrier, second tab gives you the land size (I don't remember if water, too). What's definitely missing is the size of climbable area.

I could add a couple of important things to your list, but it's a good compilation of important quality of life improvements.
Yeah I know that, but most of the times, I do the barrier, set up the entrance and then find out, that it is too big. So I have to delete it all and start again.
Okay, I'll give it a try ;)

Thank you for the tips, will check that out.
With the coolers etc, I know it works this way but sometimes I could use to change the temperature for all the heaters in habitat at once.
Also the cloning works sometimes and sometimes not. Bins - ok, Trees - ok, Lamps - no, Signs - no ... But it really may be just a bug.
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