COMPLETED CG Supply resources for the Empire's capital ship production in the Mandh system (Trade)

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Decals are now showing, not seeing any improved stock at Miyasaka though.

They are indeed... bragging. No. BASKING rights earned! 🧐 😁

Mine's going on my MNB cutter. (y)

EDIT: Sorry - ONE of my MNB Cutters... ;)

EDIT EDIT: Who am I kidding... ALL of my MNB Cutters. 🙄
On average every Federal pilot hauled a meager 5,412 tonnes, every Imperial pilot an impressive 6,228 tonnes. Which means: The Fednecks only reached Tier 5 because it had 2,146 pilots more hauling for them.

That begs the question: Who's the real winner here as we managed to reach Tier 4? 🧐

🥳 🥳 🥳
I can't answer your question but I can state the losers were the side that couldn't assemble sufficient manpower from 5 imp powers to match the manpower raised by the feds 2. But well done to your haulers, decent numbers.
I can't answer your question but I can state the losers were the side that couldn't assemble sufficient manpower from 5 imp powers to match the manpower raised by the feds 2. But well done to your haulers, decent numbers.
The pilots working for a powerplay faction are not also loyal to a superpower. Because most pilots flying for Aisling are only staying long enough for her prismatic shields, and those flying for Hudson are usually just after his Pacifier, etc.

So no, I doubt there was really any way to mobilize more players to support the Empire right now, at least with the current levels of misconceptions players (note that I said 'players', not 'pilots') seem to have about any of the three superpowers and how they work. Maybe FDevs can find a way to make this more obvious to the players in Odyssey when walking around on stations? Maybe you see homeless people begging for some credits on Fed Stations and having them in a constant state of barely operational because the staff is forced to do only the minimum of maintenance to minimize operating costs, with grafittis here and there while the Imperial ones are always looking like everything's brandnew with confident slaves talking with their owners in the corridors, and you can hear/read the respect they have for each other when passing by and overhearing them talking to each other?
So no, I doubt there was really any way to mobilize more players to support the Empire right now, at least with the current levels of misconceptions players (note that I said 'players', not 'pilots') seem to have about any of the three superpowers and how they work. Maybe FDevs can find a way to make this more obvious to the players in Odyssey when walking around on stations? Maybe you see homeless people begging for some credits on Fed Stations and having them in a constant state of barely operational because the staff is forced to do only the minimum of maintenance to minimize operating costs, with grafittis here and there while the Imperial ones are always looking like everything's brandnew with confident slaves talking with their owners in the corridors, and you can hear/read the respect they have for each other when passing by and overhearing them talking to each other?
That’s funny, I’ve played thousands of hours and docked at countless Fed stations and never seen any graffiti in game. Also, the only homeless in game are all ex-imperials running from the imperial boot.

People don’t like you guys because you have an image problem - although having a lot in common with Tzarist Russia and Imperial Rome doesn’t help - it’s that you guys are insufferable.
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That’s funny, I’ve played thousands of hours and docked at countless Fed stations and never seen any graffiti in game. Also, the only homeless in game are all ex-imperials running from the imperial boot.

People don’t like you guys because you have an image problem - although having a lot in common with Tzarist Russia and Imperial Rome doesn’t help - it’s that you guys are insufferable.

You really should go ahead and open your right hand panel, select "Codex" -> "Knowledge Base" -> "Federation" -> "Introduction" and read up on the lore before making a comment like that.

(Disclaimer: This got translated into English from the German localization of Elite, so it might not be an 100% accurate quote from the original text)

"Unlike the Empire, which provides a certain degree of social security in form of state-sanctioned slavery, there's no safeguard or a way out for the poorest citizens of the Federation. You cannot escape life from streets defaced by graffiti, and the differences between the lives of the poorest and the superrich could not be any more crass."

Meanwhile, from Newsletter #22:

The Empire values both status and honour very highly indeed. So whilst it is acceptable to flaunt wealth, treating people well is a question of honour – and this includes slaves.
Burnham Bile Distillate - "The use of 'donated' human bodily fluids in the distillation process for this potent liquor causes a strong variation in flavours from vintage to vintage, and widespread outcry about the ethics of the production. The producers of the drink report that each slave used agrees to the extraction progress, but this has not stopped some having a bitter taste left in their mouths."
Burnham Bile Distillate - "The use of 'donated' human bodily fluids in the distillation process for this potent liquor causes a strong variation in flavours from vintage to vintage, and widespread outcry about the ethics of the production. The producers of the drink report that each slave used agrees to the extraction progress, but this has not stopped some having a bitter taste left in their mouths."
This text proves in itself that Imperials are very concerned about their slaves' wellbeing. The producers assure that the slaves volunteer. If this is the case, then everything's fine,as the slaves' rights were respected. But the very fact that it leaves a bitter taste in a lot of Imperials' mouths also shows that people want (in this case the ISA) to keep a much closer eye on this. In both ways the Imperial dignitas got served.

That being said: the much bigger question that I would liked answered before touching that stuff: What kind of 'human bodily fluids' are we talking about here? 🤢🤮


I learned by now what "Bile" is. While it is a vile liquid I made the false assumption that the two were related. 😕
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although having a lot in common with Tzarist Russia and Imperial Rome doesn’t help - it’s that you guys are insufferable.

Says the guy working for Space Trump.

The Feds like to pretend that they are better, but your superpower’s decisions are all made in executive boardrooms by your corporate oligarch masters.

I’ll say this, the Empire is honest.
So I jumped into the puddle jumper and headed out to salute the fruits of our combined labour, my first time up close to a capitol ship and my lord they don't disappoint.

The Sword and the Needle

Elite Dangerous_20201207194151.jpg
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