Thargoid Data Gathering Effort: We need your help!

It would be very easy to write a plugin for EDMC to log all non human USS sightings to a webserver.

EDMC provides a system and body on every event

There is specific USSDrop event I think it is triggered when you drop out of supercruise at a USS
{ "timestamp":"2017-10-03T21:09:09Z", "event":"USSDrop", "USSType":"$USS_Type_NonHuman;", "USSType_Localised":"Non-Human signal source", "USSThreat":5 }

All we need is a web server to log the events in a database and provide a URL with that accepts parameters eg.$USS_Type_NonHuman&USSType_Localised-Non-Human signal source&USSThreat-5

Then Bob's your uncle. It would all get logged and all that commanders would need to do is identify USS and drop in on them.

I probably should have said that I would be happy to write the EDSM plugin if someone else can provide the data logging api
Is there a list of the different data collected with a Flower Ship scan in Threat 5 USS ?

I have dropped into a couple of dozen now, and have 4 types of data:

1. Ship Flight Data (is rare for me, only managed to get this twice)
2. Ship System Data ( Fairly common for me)
3. Thargoid Ship Signature (Again, pretty uncommon. Only managed to collect this 3 times)
4. Thargoid Wake Data (Common, don't even bother collecting all the time.)

I was just wondering if there is any other Data being picked up by others??
I probably should have said that I would be happy to write the EDSM plugin if someone else can provide the data logging api
Do you mean that you'd be able to visualize the data if someone else could write some code to log it to some central repository?

I think Google has an API for writing to Google Doc Spreadsheets programatically, but I'm not sure how well that would work if I tried to have it be updated directly by an EDMC plugin.
Do you mean that you'd be able to visualize the data if someone else could write some code to log it to some central repository?

I can write a plugin for EDMC to talk to a central repository but can't provide a repository or visualisation. I think there is a Canonn project for displaying data on a star map so could see if they had an API or a server we could use.

I'll look into the google API as well
I can write a plugin for EDMC to talk to a central repository but can't provide a repository or visualisation. I think there is a Canonn project for displaying data on a star map so could see if they had an API or a server we could use.

I'll look into the google API as well

Here is a fully automatic prototype. I could also get it to find the Coordinates from EDSM if that makes things easier.

If you want user input then we could make it display a link to a user editable form that is pre-populated with events from the journal.
I believe the Thargoids are showing Behavior more akin to territoriality than overt Hostility

I've been pottering about Pleliades Sector HR-W D1-64

I have dropped in to three unidentified signal source non human signal source threat level five.

Upon arrival each time I have been scanned by the Thargoid interceptor present and then it has moved off

I have then myself scanned the Thargoid (Xeno Scanner) which then causes the thargoid to deploy hardpoints. It seems as though it does so as a warning interpreting the deployment of my scanners as a potential threat, however; I move off immediately after scanning and am not followed and we go on our way. It tolerates my presence in its vicinity (the green cloud)

It then engages its frame shift anomally which appears to be a wormhole opened by its Thargons.

Three times and ill go for three more later. The Thargoids haven't immediately fired so far. They assume defencive/offensive posture but do not open fire.

My hardpoints are not deployed and I did not interfere directly with what they did.

This is evidence to suggest they are not hostile to us, they may be indifferent. Only possession of their technology or Guardian seems to evoke a hostile response.

There have been wrecks at all sites but I cant help but wonder did they provoke the interceptor.

There is room for an opening of communications here somewhere
Does anyone else agree
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Here is a fully automatic prototype. I could also get it to find the Coordinates from EDSM if that makes things easier.

If you want user input then we could make it display a link to a user editable form that is pre-populated with events from the journal.

Don't have EDMC, but if this is working, it would be very useful! Are hyperdictions also captured by this?

Got some old code which parses the player journal files, i guess it could be modified to collect all NHSS and upload them to a spreadsheet. But updating a google spreadsheet from unity is pure pain, so i'm not very keen to do that ;)

I'm now updating the thargoid mapper so it will automatically get the latest data from the spreadsheets so you don't have to update/export them yourself.
Don't have EDMC, but if this is working, it would be very useful! Are hyperdictions also captured by this?

Got some old code which parses the player journal files, i guess it could be modified to collect all NHSS and upload them to a spreadsheet. But updating a google spreadsheet from unity is pure pain, so i'm not very keen to do that ;)

I'm now updating the thargoid mapper so it will automatically get the latest data from the spreadsheets so you don't have to update/export them yourself.

Its working... at least it is for me.

I think what I might do is keep it updating my spreadheet automatically but parse the events and create a clickable link to the forms linked in the OP this will pre-populate them with the system names and threat levels etc and then the users can add additional details.

There is no journal entry for hyperdictions but it is possible to detect when they have happened.

What you get is a StartJump event followed by a FSD Jump event to the system you originally started in.

So for instance I was in Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 and started my jump to Pleiades Sector QD-S b4-1

"timestamp": "2017-09-29T21:18:33Z",
"event": "StartJump",
"JumpType": "Hyperspace",
"StarSystem": "Pleiades Sector QD-S b4-1",
"StarClass": "L"

The next event left me where I started Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55

"timestamp": "2017-09-29T21:18:59Z",
"event": "FSDJump",
"StarSystem": "Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55",
"StarPos": [
"SystemAllegiance": "Independent",
"SystemEconomy": "$economy_HighTech;",
"SystemEconomy_Localised": "High Tech",
"SystemGovernment": "$government_Cooperative;",
"SystemGovernment_Localised": "Cooperative",
"SystemSecurity": "$SYSTEM_SECURITY_medium;",
"SystemSecurity_Localised": "Medium Security",
"Population": 300000,
"JumpDist": 19.226,
"FuelUsed": 1.768394,
"FuelLevel": 13.401606,
"Factions": [
"Name": "Pleiades Resource Enterprise",
"FactionState": "None",
"Government": "Corporate",
"Influence": 0.123876,
"Allegiance": "Federation",
"PendingStates": [
"State": "Lockdown",
"Trend": 1
"State": "Expansion",
"Trend": 0
"RecoveringStates": [
"State": "Boom",
"Trend": 1
"Name": "Cooper Research Associates",
"FactionState": "None",
"Government": "Democracy",
"Influence": 0.076923,
"Allegiance": "Alliance",
"RecoveringStates": [
"State": "Boom",
"Trend": 1
"Name": "I.P.S.A.L Project",
"FactionState": "CivilWar",
"Government": "Corporate",
"Influence": 0.020979,
"Allegiance": "Independent"
"Name": "Pilots Federation Local Branch",
"FactionState": "None",
"Government": "Democracy",
"Influence": 0.0,
"Allegiance": "PilotsFederation"
"Name": "Rational Logistics",
"FactionState": "CivilWar",
"Government": "Corporate",
"Influence": 0.014985,
"Allegiance": "Independent"
"Name": "Janus Incorporated",
"FactionState": "Boom",
"Government": "Corporate",
"Influence": 0.04995,
"Allegiance": "Independent"
"Name": "Aegis Research",
"FactionState": "Boom",
"Government": "Cooperative",
"Influence": 0.713287,
"Allegiance": "Independent"
"SystemFaction": "Aegis Research",
"FactionState": "Boom",
"EDDMapColor": -65536
I certainly do not mean to hijack my fellow Canonneer thread. However gents if while in your endeavors you happen upon a system named "Merope"... :) ... Please pay attention for any non human signal sources or Thargoids.... If you find any in that system please take a screenshot..... Good luck :)
Aren't they regular occurrences there anymore?

It would be very easy to write a plugin for EDMC to log all non human USS sightings to a webserver.

EDMC provides a system and body on every event

There is specific USSDrop event I think it is triggered when you drop out of supercruise at a USS
{ "timestamp":"2017-10-03T21:09:09Z", "event":"USSDrop", "USSType":"$USS_Type_NonHuman;", "USSType_Localised":"Non-Human signal source", "USSThreat":5 }

All we need is a web server to log the events in a database and provide a URL with that accepts parameters eg.$USS_Type_NonHuman&USSType_Localised-Non-Human signal source&USSThreat-5

Then Bob's your uncle. It would all get logged and all that commanders would need to do is identify USS and drop in on them.
Sounds good! :cool:

Cmdr Lucca1985
If you xeno scan them whilst they scan you I've found they don't deploy hardpoints, if you do it afterwards they will because you've come nearer to them than 500m, they don't like that ;) (after they've scanned you). Oh I've been in over a dozen NHSSs so far.

As for comms with them, would be nice but I'm not aware of any way to sadly.
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I have then myself scanned the Thargoid (Xeno Scanner) which then causes the thargoid to deploy hardpoints. It seems as though it does so as a warning interpreting the deployment of my scanners as a potential threat, however; I move off immediately after scanning and am not followed and we go on our way. It tolerates my presence in its vicinity (the green cloud)

I think the deployment of hardpoints when target locked and scanned is standard NPC behavior as well, so it may just be that Fdev reused that bit of logic with the Thargs. I see the territoriality aspects coming up more in their hostile reaction if you move too close to them.
Anyone got any hints for gathering logograms from hyperdictions? The thargies always run away before I regain power, let alone can target them :eek:
I think the deployment of hardpoints when target locked and scanned is standard NPC behavior as well, so it may just be that Fdev reused that bit of logic with the Thargs. I see the territoriality aspects coming up more in their hostile reaction if you move too close to them.

They do scan us. Maybe they expect or accept the same from us, but no more than that.

If this is the case it coulb be the basis of an understanding
Its working... at least it is for me.

I think what I might do is keep it updating my spreadheet automatically but parse the events and create a clickable link to the forms linked in the OP this will pre-populate them with the system names and threat levels etc and then the users can add additional details.

Nice! It's too bad they don't seem to have an API for Google Forms, but that sounds like a good alternative.
Cross posting from the Logogram thread as it's relevant here too:

I ran a scan over the NHSS data (did not include hyperdictions). Here's the breakdown based on the first digit of the Logogram (number in parens is sample count). Starting to look like it might not be random:

7 (3) 3.1%
3 (10) 10.4%
1 (22) 22.9%
2 (24) 25.0%
4 (37) 38.5%

Inner Ring is looking totally random:
1 (30) 31.2%
2 (31) 32.3%
3 (35) 36.5%

If you try and look at the combos for the outer ring the data gets too sparse, so I'll skip that. Anyway, more logograms would be good [up]

Edit: Changed my mind :) There are 19 verified Logograms, so if they were random they would each get around 5% of visits. If you multiply up the digit x number of logograms then these come in close to the values expected for random, so it's unlikely they contain any information.
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