Ships the best exploration ly for the anaconda without engineers and guardian fsd booster

by the what do u think what modules I should install
Let it go,you will come out with a slow brick,poor speed terrible boost, that can barely jump 30 light years,if you want to Explore without FSD Booster and Engineering your best choice (only one really) is the Fabolous DBX. Can I ask you for example what prevents you from unlocking Farseer? Just her will give a you a big bonus,then getting the Guardian FSD Booster is a matter of 10 minutes work.If you are on PS4 I can even help you getting it,it's fun to do and you'll see a mysterious weird place with a lot of Pathos and scary soundtrack ;)
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Out of curiosity, I went to coriolis and took the FSD booster and engineering off my current conda, and came up with 33.75 laden jump range if I want to be able to boost, 35.47 if I don't. Damn those size 8 sensors are heavy.
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