Community Event / Creation The Buckyball Racing Club Presents: Obfuscated In The Outer Rim. 23rd - 31st Dec 3309.

There have now been multiple entries in both classes so it is time for the first leaderboards!
I am obfuscating the full times for now but will show more detail in a couple of days. As for the moons being used for the Vagabond bonus, I am only giving the sector name and saying which moon of the parent body was used (a, b, c etc. and it will be aa or ba and so on for moons of moons if that happens). Once the race is over I'll reveal the chosen moons. I will say that one of the entries in Unlimited used a moon that was not one of those provided - but not which!

Firstly, we have two entries in Unlimited, with CMDR Sir Boundness putting on a fine display of FA Off flying in the Asp Scout Because Reasons. The shields were occasionally tested but this approach seems to be working well and with the 12 minute Vagabond bonus applied (fortuitously dropping out only a short way above a suitable crater after being too fast for orbital cruise) has managed a sub 20-minute time, so a strong benchmark has been set! CMDR TimberMcWolf has also set down a mark in the Diamondback Explorer Star Moth, with an adjusted time above 40 min. I should say that both of these submissions used the same route as Ophidian class, so there is plenty of room for further optimisation.

In Ophidian class the above two CMDRs have also submitted early efforts, with CMDR TimberMcWolf deploying a Viper MkIV, the Jörmungandr Jr.. (There is a Jormungand system but it is off to one side of the Lost Realms region in the direction of the Pleiades). The time of 54 min and change will no doubt come down with a bit of practice - or a change to a ship with a higher jump range, such as the Diamondback Explorer entered by CMDR Sir Boundness. The Special Snowflake made good use of this range to achieve a time of 31+ min, again with impressive FA Off flying, though the shields were tested heavily at one point. CMDR Martinjameson brought another Regulation Cobra MkIII along, more or less, I'm sure I saw a d-rated something in there..., the There Goes Me Whippet! and the whippet does indeed go rather quick, having a time in the 34 min bracket, just like CMDR Inga Stevenson's Ship of Theseus from yesterday. The current leader of the class, provisionally (waiting for evidence to process), is CMDR sulu, bringing the Asp Scout From the Deep around in a remarkable time of 25+ min. That is going to take some beating - but rumour has it there are others scouting the course...

Fly fast CMDRs!

I did my unlimted run just along the Ophidian class route and added one of the moons provided in the OP to the mix.
And for the ship I went for the ship with the longest jump range I own.
Unlimited gives you the choice of a much shorter route, though; and working a moon landing, both which system and which leg to do it, into the mix just adds horrendousness to the calcumacations... it's all too much for my default of Commander's Toolbox 😖
1st and 2nd place - I'm done here mic drop 😎
Remembering how well that went for Alec... 😄

And in the spirit of Christmas collaboration, here are some distance tables for the various legs:
Leg 2, Persephone to:AvalonBrigidHyperboreaThemiscrya

Leg 3AvalonBrigidHyperboreaThemiscrya

Leg 4PandemoniumTartarusAsphodelApsu

Leg 5NiflhelJotunheimJeraSicuncheim

Leg 6WakeaElysiaYs
Tir Na Nog62.0977.8162.93

Leg 7, back to ArtemisAnnwnIdunnTir Na NogAgarthaThule

Merry Christmas and happy calcumacating!
PS: Leg 1, Artemis to Persephone is 55.62ly
Very good point about jump range, once you get to 61+ there's only one leg of the Ophidian route you can't do in 1 jump. But if you can't quite make Jotunheim to Elysia in one jump it's nice to have options. Or maybe that's the leg where you find a moon at an intermediate system; I still haven't looked for anything. I haven't worked out the total SC distance on the route I just tried, but I think it's about the same or a bit less.

Anyway, Unlimited run submitted; I'm off to bed and await what Santa brings...
Well, hope you all had a great Christmas day!

Decided to sacrifice my post-Christmas workout before work today to do an unlimited run, and I was pretty proud of my time... until I realized I'd had a brain fart, and my chosen landing site for the Vagabond bonus didn't qualify. :(

Back to the Drawing Board, especially since I can't give enough likes to @Arrowroot 66 🥰 for the information above!!!
Greetings CMDRs and I hope that you all had a great Christmas!

There have been some additions to the leaderboard in both classes but, unfortunately, I have to start with a subtraction, as upon investigating once the evidence had finished processing, CMDR sulu's entry in Ophidian had to be disqualified for missing out a stop. This leaves Sir Boundness in first place with his existing run in the 31+ min range but, as CMDR Alec Turner has reminded him, this is no time to drop the mic and a new entry from CMDR jspace in his Adder Jolnir might give him cause to look under the sofa, or perhaps hind behind it, with a 33+ min run making full use of the ability to mount Enhanced Performance Thrusters on a ship that can take it without losing too much jump range and also to stop without colliding, unlike certain other ships, though he managed it a couple of times anyway, from the screenshots.

In Unlimited, we have three new entries with CMDR Martinjameson opting for a fast raw time without going for the Vagabond bonus and achieving a respectable 27+ min time, in his Diamondback Explorer Where Has Tha Bin?, showing the advantage of a suitably-fitted ship and route. CMDR sulu, having replaced his navcom with an abacus that came out of a Christmas cracker, eventually managed a valid run in his Dolphin Seagull, with a Vagabond bonus brining his adjusted time down to 18+ min, ahead of Sir Boundness, despite several obscured jumps, including a cruel one leaving Lombardelli's Legacy, with Avalon being only just over the limb of the planet Kore. Taking the lead in the Diamondback Scout, Urd, is CMDR Shaye Blackwood, who put together a first-class landing at his chosen Mountainous landing port, that could hardly have been faster in orbital cruise or glide and was only delayed by 2 secs waiting for the landing gear to come down. His adjusted time of 12+ min gives him a strong advantage, at this time - but don't drop the mic, yet!

Fly fast CMDRs! o7

Spent a good portion of the afternoon with a failed attempt at an ophidian run* in a new ship and scouting a new moon for the unlimited class vagabond bonus. Haven't found one, so far. I was hoping to find one conveniently placed in the middle between Annwn and Artemis, but the systems in the right distance are either densely populated or void of planets.
All I got from these efforts were 1mCr for scanning some Fonticulua in a system that was too far away from Artemis to get there in one jump. And some change from Universal Cartographics for honking some systems.

*: Somehow managed to hit the disembark button instead of launch and in the next system, the station (Big Harry's Monkey Hangout) wasn't preselected on arrival - something had gone awry with my bookmarks. And as I just found out, I apparently hit the wrong button on my keyboard when trying to take screenshots... 🤦‍♀️
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