The codex screenshot for the The Dark Wheel - Which system is it?

Does anyone have an example of a system with a type M Red Dwarf orbiting a primary star alongside a gas giant with at least one moon? I need to see how the system data structure looks like to search for similar systems.
It's a class Y rather than a class M, but Lycanthrope 8 and 9 is otherwise an example.

(Class M in that sort of cobinary arrangement with a gas giant would require something very big as the system primary star - probably at least F mass, if not G or H)
Thinking about this one a bit more, a really heavy gas giant might be about 4,000 earth masses, and a light class M is about 66,000 earth masses. So for the barycentre to be outside the surface of the class M, the gas giant would need to be at least 17 stellar radii away or about 15 Ls.

For a Jupiter-sized gas giant (~300 earth masses) it would need to be about 180 Ls away to be barycentric, which I think we concluded way back was too far to get that sort of photo.

So if it is barycentric set up with a non-giant class M, the gas giant would need to be unusually heavy to get close enough to it. (It'd probably also need to be unusually heavy to stably capture 8 moons at that sort of distance from a star)
IMHO you follow some NPC that leads you to it.
When you are close enough(1k Ls? 1 Ls?) it shows on your contact panel.
Just my theory after some mission with NPC that told me to follow him.
IMHO you follow some NPC that leads you to it.
When you are close enough(1k Ls? 1 Ls?) it shows on your contact panel.
Just my theory after some mission with NPC that told me to follow him.
I never followed stranger NPC. How do I know they won't do nasty things to me once they lure me out into the black void? There's some real creepers out there.
Stupid question perhaps, but how are we supposed to find it even if we are in the right system? Per definition it shouldn't show up on the nav panel - aside that, spotting a bright spot at the moon it orbits?

There's at least two mechanisms by which we can find a hidden a location instance:

  1. Area of Effect / Influence Indicator - In the bottom left corner of your HUD, there's a little label that says the name of the instance you're in or will drop in if you're in supercruise. (It's the label that usually says "Deep Space" or "Shipping Lane", etc.) As an example, the Pareco sector has a hidden comet instance at the center of where the stations are orbiting. It's tough to find because the instance is only like 40 km across, but you'll see the AoE indicator change when you're in range of the comet instance in supercruise and can drop into it. (The comet's model isn't in the game, so it doesn't render as anything, but there is a hitbox supposedly.) For more info, read this thread.
  2. It could be hiding in another instance. For example, there could be a station hiding in an asteroid belt cluster instance around a star.
I'm not sure if there's an easy way to see if there's hidden instances in sectors or whatnot. But if you're a keen explorer, always keep your eye on that AoE indicator when you're in supercruise in case you stumble across something hidden.
Stupid question perhaps, but how are we supposed to find it even if we are in the right system? Per definition it shouldn't show up on the nav panel - aside that, spotting a bright spot at the moon it orbits?

Not disagreeing but hopefully we can, 2 possible reasons.

1. 'Tiny bit obvious so players know what they are doing' (iirc Michael Brookes said this or similar on a livestream)
2. 'Im not sure I like the new Discovery Scanner (post ADS removal) because its infinite, but we are where we are' (same MB on another livestream, he may have also said something like it makes some things too easy but that may be a mis-remember by me)

Neither are exact quotes but words to that effect, he didn't do too many livestreams so a good search can probably find them. Neither are directly attributed to DW Station either but with a nice tinfoil hat on I can jump to a conclusion the size of a skyscraper.

I live in hope that this means we can see it as something in the Nav Panel, hope being the operative word. If not I have no chance whatsoever but Ill look for Pareco thing as mentioned above to see how that works and what Im looking for.
Interesting thread about the possible location.
On reddit

So basically nothing then? Raxxla is late game content. Its the carrot thats used to keep a semblance of mystery alive in this game and I doubt frontier have any plans for it for a long long long time to come. Those chasing the dream of finding it today are like the rifters of 2015 who went looking for content in the fromidine rift for two years before anything was actually added there. All based on rumors.
Definitely some good points in there, yet the data has been acquired through a bug, so not sure if it's "fair". LFT 509 is a valid guess, but at this point we can't prove anything.

Well, it may be a bug, but almost like an in-lore bug/oversight on behalf of the Pilot's Federation or whoever controls the permits. I think it's fair play, in-game tools were used. :)

So basically nothing then? Raxxla is late game content. Its the carrot thats used to keep a semblance of mystery alive in this game and I doubt frontier have any plans for it for a long long long time to come. Those chasing the dream of finding it today are like the rifters of 2015 who went looking for content in the fromidine rift for two years before anything was actually added there. All based on rumors.

Yeah, you are probably right. However, I prefer it to be tucked away instead of letting us find something underwhelming.
Oh yeah. Tight Remlok, helmet, no shirt, a particle-accelerator gun, a finely tuned Cobra in the background. :whistle:
Just posted the following in the Raxxla thread, but it might be good to post it here as well:

Hey guys, first off I'm not the most up-tp-date with the progression to find Raxxla, but I know people try to find ways to get contacted by the Dark Wheel currently.
I just listened to the Codex entry of the Dark Wheel and one of the first thing being mentioned is that the woman speaking claims she knows that they exist because all attempts of people that claim to be from the Dark Wheel are being silenced.

Has someone tried to Roleplay or act openly like they belong to the Dark Wheel even if they don't? Maybe that would trigger something.
Sorry if that has been suggested before but that topic really interests me lately!

Edit: In the original thread I was just informed about "Turning the wheel" and that they're basically already doing what I suggested, so my quqestion has been answered :D
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I narrowed down some of the details on the codex picture I think. The color matches a M8 or M9 (Nox has an m8 that matches the color really well). And the size is likely a class I or II. Size comparison of Betelgeuse shows that the picture could be taken at 4000LS from a Betelgeuse sized star and have the same visual size
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