[INDEPENDENT] The Free Mercenary Coalition is recruiting

"Welcome to this Recruitment meeting, you where not invited, in fact i just appeared in this Station and started talking to you all, and i am fairly sure you dont even know who i am, well dosnt matter.

We, that means i, of The Free Mercenary Coalition, hereby declare that we seek new pilots, and on foot Mercenaries to bolster our rank.. of 2 Person, that is me and someone else!

Our Mission objective is clear, to work together to complete missions, to amass wealth trough honest Mercenary work, and to make any system we reside in a safer place for its citizens, regardless of their allegiance in this, excuse my choice of Words, pointless conflict, provided they can afford us.

Activitys will include "large" scale operations as well as regular mission done in groups, as well as other activitys, if enough Operatives join of course. Use your private or public communication method to inqure more about the Free Mercenary Coalition"

Ok, now out of character

As the message said, i am trying to form a new group/Squadron, especialy looking towards Odyssey's release. The Group i am envisioning is a light RP group mostly focused on PvE content as well as PvP for those who are interested in it down the road. The RP would obviosly be that we are Mercenarys. We dont expect people to stay in character 100% of the time, just during missions, otherwise if you stay in character is up to you.
There is a VERY light rank Structure(basicly just 3 ranks as of now, leadership, Operative and Member(plus a Commander rank)) with operative just indicating that you showed that you want to stay with us.
I will be open about the groups status as of now as trying to hide anything wont help you.
There are 2 active member(including me) and 2 who are thinking about joining at the moment. The Timezone for our activity would be primaraily EST (i am personaly from europe but my on time just happens to be around EST primetime) but european players are still able to join as having 2 timezone branches isnt the worst thign that can happen.

"large" scale operations is an idea i have for Odyssey where multiple technicaly unrelated base assaults would work in tandem towards a common(roleplay) goal. Like having to simultaniosly strike 2-3 different Settlments of a certain faction as a contract.

If you are interested or want more info PM me or ask your question in the thread.

As this is a new group, if you arent interested in seeing and trying to help to get a new community off the ground, i dont think this is for you.
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