The great big Odyssey Screenshots thread

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CMDRs Log - Deeply Uninteresting Expedition - Stardate 220811


Well, that was... um... different. Not that Salvation's catastrophe could have possibly be foreseen. Still, a little over 5 Kylies away, it still makes me nervous. We live in a different universe now. Let's hope there's justice for all the lives lost!

Turning our attention back to the Sanguineous Rim, If you like rings, I have a few to sell you:
5 rings by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr
Ice Rings by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr
Coffee Gas Giant by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

Is there such a 'Thing' as a Blueberry Gas Giant? If so, I have found one!
Blueberry Gas Giant - Gludgae HR-A d36 6 by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

Finally, there's we visited a complex trinary system in distant orbit around an F-type star. The close binary you see front and centre orbits each other every 7 hours or so.
Gludgae TQ-Y c17 BC by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

Details on these locations have been provided, just in case you would like to visit them yourself if you are in the area.

Sundari's Testimony has not moved. She is still parked on the night side of an earth-like planet. We take an elliptical spiral approach when returning to her. It provides a colourful homecoming.
Parabolic Approach Course by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

Fly safe. Watch out for bugs. Don't be a Salvation! o7

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CMDRs Log - Deeplu Uninteresting Expedition - Stardate 220812


I am happy to report that there is nothing to report on the Thargoids out here in the Sanguineous Rim. Instead, I found this Red Velvet Gas Giant with wide rings.
Red Velvet Gludgae NG-Y d120 2 by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

We are learning how to frame our planetary shots. Apparently, planets are like 'Oh, can you get the galaxy in the background. It makes me look exotic. Oh, and if you can fit in that nebular... yeah, that one with all the Thargoids..." At which point... well, you start to get the point...
Capturing the morning by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr
Dune-like by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr
Thargoids heart by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr
Water World against the Galaxy by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr
Looking Back towards home by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

So we find this one system with half a dozen terraform candidates, a water world and an ammonia world and it's time to call in the carrier. The captain managed to nail the parking on this one. All credit to her.
Beautiful Landing by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr
Admiring the view by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

So, we are just going to carry on turning the Galaxy blue, one star at at time. It will give me time to figure out why I think the planets are talking to me.

See you in the black, and don't hesitate to pop by if you happen this way. The bar is open and the bar tender has some bits for sale. She might even take some things off your hands. See you in the bar. o7

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I made my first footfall:
Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2022.08.10 -

It was a bloody hot planet at 821K! I could only disembark for a minute or two, and then I had to hop from foot to foot! :D

Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2022.08.10 -

It was worth the sweat-filled spacesuit.

I haven't been this far out in the black since the Horizons' days. But my Odyssey character has to unlock whats-her-name with meta-alloys, so I needed to go get some. I forgot how spooky it can be when there are no other humans around.

I did find one cracked-up ship that I looted for a bunch of mats I hadn't cataloged before. This far from other humans is not a good place to have ship trouble!

Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2022.08.12 -
CMDRs Log - Deeply Uninteresting Expedition - Stardate 220814


We overnighted on our last planet. Waking up to darkness is simply another excuse to fly into dawn.
Taking off into dawn

By chance, you can sometimes capture an entire system in a single arrival shot.
All in one view

In orbit around this sweet 9.49 dense mining spot...
Companion Mining Opportunity a landable ringed moon...
Ring it up

...with impressive views and hoonable canyons. I have captured the coordinates and must return with a ship-launched fighter. In case anyone else is interested - it is
Gludgae ZU-R b4-8 13 a 44.0136 97.0109
Quite a view

We are continually impressed with what we see.
Sun moon and stars

There are some who deride our life choices. You can't help them. Really. Don't try. You can, however, be there for them when they eventually change their mind.
Getting to know you

It's all good! See you in the black! o7

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