The Great Pre-Upgraded Gear Sharing is Caring Thread

LHS 224 - Bunsen Platform
Maverick G2
Dominator G2
Karma P-15 G2

Ross 911 - McKay Dock
Karma P-15 G2
Karma L-6 G2

Ross 911 - Goeppert-Mayer Base
2x Maverick G2
Karma C-44 - Improved Hip Fire Accuracy

Aten - Antonelli Orbital
TK Zenith G2

Aten - Ramon Depot
Maverick G2
TK /Aphelion G3
TK Aphelion G2
Using the 2HOT2MESSY initiative to also visit Pioneer Stores in various stations*.

Most recently:
Mallory Settlement
G2 Artemis, 1 empty slot
G2 Karma P-15, also 1 empty slot

* purely for the opportunity to check out Pioneer Store supplies and not because I chose Disembark instead of Launch when getting ready to leave the stations 😜
LHS 2687 - Williamson Hub
Maverick C3
Dominator C2
Manticore Tormentor C3

LHS 2687 - Wells Terminal
Artemis C2
TK Zenith C2 - Reload Speed

LHS 2687 - Heyerdahl Port
Artemis C3 - Extra Ammo Capacity
System: Gunapa
Station: Galton Enterprise
G3 Artemis + Improved Jump Assist
G2 Maverick + Reduced Tools battery Consumtion
G2 Manticore Tormentor + Magazine Size
System: Gunapa
Station: Galton Enterprise
G3 Artemis + Improved Jump Assist
G2 Maverick + Reduced Tools battery Consumtion
G2 Manticore Tormentor + Magazine Size
All those items are gone; I keep going places but evidently, people are taking all the items and not replying to this thread...
System: Gunapa

Station: Yaping Port
G2 Maverick - no mods
G2 TK Zenith - no mods

Station: Kwolek Keep
G2 Maverick - no mods

Station: Stott Town
G2 Dominator - no mods

Station: Haber Orbital
G2 TK Zenith - no mods
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